This is a bit of a unique twist on the weekly warframe format, instead of me bringing you the frame, it’s time to do the opposite! (this is totally not because I have no ideas for a thread myself, nope!) Doesn’t matter if it’s an incredibly niche or a very popular warframe, if you have something to say about your favorite (or most hated) frame - this is your chance! Maybe you have a concept for a frame that doesn’t exist but you wish it did? This is also the perfect chance to bring it up!

    2 months ago

    Thanks for explaining, I think I understand now 😁. I never really delved too much into WF theorycrafting because the game is kinda too easy as it is, but I love reading about stuff like this because it is interesting from a development perspective. It seems like they calculate the damage at the moment when the bullet is fired and in this case, once they have to calculate all the conditionals when it actually hits the target, they don’t know all the internal parameters for damage calculation so too many things get multiplied? I wonder if it’s actually a huge technical undertaking to actually fix this, sounds like the bug has been around for a while after all.

    Maybe the real damage nerf DE needs to do across the board is just fixing the damage formula, that would at least somewhat normalize the stats for a change. It seems so easy to take advantage of these bugs even if you dont explicitly go out of your way to abuse them