This is a bit of a unique twist on the weekly warframe format, instead of me bringing you the frame, it’s time to do the opposite! (this is totally not because I have no ideas for a thread myself, nope!) Doesn’t matter if it’s an incredibly niche or a very popular warframe, if you have something to say about your favorite (or most hated) frame - this is your chance! Maybe you have a concept for a frame that doesn’t exist but you wish it did? This is also the perfect chance to bring it up!

    2 months ago

    I’ve been having a blast playing Ash support with my whack-ass build here:

    • I use the augment Smoke Shadow to turn allies invisible & give a fat crit bonus to everyone
      • the crit bonus does NOT scale with strength, so I can get away with negative strength
      • the 15m range DOES scale with range, which is the main reason I build for range
      • the 8s duration DOES scale with duration
    • Replaced his 1 with Hydroid’s helminth, which works well since we’re modding for duration & range. I used to have silence instead, but that was boring! Tempest Barrage is a nice area CC & applies corrosive stacks to all enemies inside, shredding armour.
      • I also use the augment for this, Viral Tempest, which applies viral ON TOP of the corrosive.
        • This one DOES scale with strength, so my viral is not applied 100% of the time (39% with 40% strength). I use Growing Power to get that up to a more reasonable number, if I wanted to plug a forma into him I would slot Power Drift into exilus to boost it further as well (now that I bring this up, I’m formaing him as we speak lol).
      • The AOE corrosive + viral combined with his 4th’s slash procs help us deal surprisingly good damage despite negative strength
    • Note I also use an under-levelled Narrow Minded so the range penalty isn’t too high