I’ve got my phone and wallet in my pants pockets, but I don’t have my sweatshirt on, and I’m desperately trying to ask if anybody’s got it, but no-one’s fucking answering me. I’m kinda freaking out here! The teachers came up with this whole ridiculous system of giving everyone in my class a codename based on the lyrics to the Attack on Titan opening theme, to make sure our group stayed together, and they even advised us all to speak in English for the sake of “clearer communication”, to my chagrin. Yet despite these efforts, apparently the teachers couldn’t come up with a system to make sure our ITEMS didn’t get displaced while we were at it — absolutely ridiculous! I chose not to wear a backpack so that I’d have fewer things to worry about, and I still end up losing something, right?
…And what the FUCK is this intense, rhythmic ringing in my left ear‽ I feel like I’m about to— wake up in my bed?
…I’m not even in school anymore.
[checks phone] “Dette er en TEST av Nødvarsel, myndighetenes varslingssystem ved alvorlige hendelser.”
…Oh, may God damn the Norwegian emergency alert system for scheduling its test right as I was having an interesting dream! Curses!
system of giving everyone in my class a codename based on the lyrics to the Attack on Titan opening theme, to make sure our group stayed together
This should have been when you realized it was a dream
You’d be surprised at the number of teachers I’ve had who’d legitimately think something like that would be a good idea in order to connect with “the youngfolk”. In the dream I thought it was incredibly tacky. I was “Seid”, by the way.
That’s why you convince your class to fly with a helicopter to Gullfaks-A rather than to Japan.
In my experience traveling I allocate some money for touchdown to smooth the difference between what you imagine you need and what the material reality ends up being.
If the teachers straight up misplaced your luggage that’s super fucked up. But the travel is, in all likelihood, by faaaaar the most chronically stressful part of going abroad.
Since I woke up in my bed with my sweatshirt still on, I can at least rest assured I didn’t lose it at Dreamland-Oneiropolis Int’l.