Another interesting observation is that linux marketshare in India has been falling in the last months since the peak above 17% in last September no 8,79% in January. Does anyone know something about what happened in there?

  • nossaquesapaoOP
    1 month ago

    That’s exactly why statistics are needed, because our personal perception is flawed. People like to say sensationalist phrases like “the desktop platform is dying”, but data from sites like statista shows the desktop marketshare around a bit more than 1/3, and that’s a lot of devices, very far from being a dead or irrelevant platform. It’s logical that smartphones, that are personal devices turned on all the time will have more traffic and marketshare, but that doesn’t mean the desktop is dying. Actually, the pc sales keep growing, although at a slower rate (that can be due to several factors, like older pcs lasting longer), and that means that the mobile platform has grown in a faster rate, not necessarily that people are stopping using pcs, but that specific data we don’t have available, unfortunately.

    Another thing I keep seeing people say on the internet without any proof (that’s one interesting thing abut those sensationalist statements: they never provide any proof, just a personal perception, but we need proof to counterargument) is that younger people are stopping using pcs and that desktops are becoming an “habit of older people”. I don’t know of any gobal research on that, but at least here in Brazil, we have an annual survey from that shows that desktop usage doesn’t have significant differences among age groups. I don’t know if the same stands for the entire world, but I’ve seen a lot of people saying that phrase around here too. Also, that’s not only a sensationalist thing people say, but seems to me to have some degree of ageism.