Call Me Mañana

🇧🇷 Latino-Americano. Estudante de Física. Marxista.

A propósito, eu uso Arch.

🇻🇦 Latinus-Americanus. Discipulus Physicae. Marxista.

Ipse Arch utor per viam.

  • 15 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 29th, 2023


  • No caso não é bem uma alternativa ao Android ao iOS, é uma interface baixável em distros ARM (essas sim alternativas diretas ao Android e ao iOS). Duvido que não seja usável, mas infelizmente não tem como usar whatsapp se você só tiver um celular.

  • I think that precisely what makes TAS good - and the good Batman stories in general - is how, at least in characters’ first appearances, it seems that the idea is to show how social problems have driven these “villains” crazy, and the objective is always, with some exceptions (i.e. Red Claw), to make the audience sympathize with them, producing social awareness of this problems in the audience. Unfortunately, as the characters are reused, they are reduced to caricatured villains and the incentive to sympathize with them fades. For example, Two-Face appears as an antagonist in 6 episodes and only in the stories Two-Face and Second Chance is he depicted as a human being. And this only gets worse in the sequel: The New Batman Adventures.

    I actually think it’s a good thing that, despite generally showing some sympathy, Batman always opposes his antagonists when they reach a point of social rupture: Batman is not a revolutionary, because Bruce Wayne could never be a revolutionary. Batman not being exactly on the side I would be on is not a problem: it gives the cartoon a verisimilitude.

    Now, regarding “the hero we need” and other ideas of the sort, present in Nolan’s films and Miller’s comics, they are radically fascist, there’s nothing to discuss.

  • When you responded to, you said that you were against all porn.

    Yes, and I also didn’t suggest banning pornography or anything like that. If you think that my statement alone that I am against pornography threatens pornography as a whole, you are greatly overestimating my influence.

    You simply generalized all sex work as harmful to the worker/performer.

    It is a convention, at least as I understand it, that when we are talking colloquially about a phenomenon, we are talking about how that phenomenon generally happens, even if we don’t use the word “generally” or something equivalent, since it is common sense that for everything there is at least one exception. If you feel like your case doesn’t fit into any of the issues I’ve outlined, with all honesty in my heart: good for you. However, most cases are not that lucky. Exception, instead of contradicting the rule, proves it, otherwise, it would not be an exception, it would be the rule itself.

  • I linked an article that talks about the problem in general, two studies that talk about specific subjects and cases and an article that talks specifically about the content of porn films (I corrected the link, I was linking another text, not the one where the information originates ). There is exception for everything. Despite your individual experience, most pornography consumed does not involve direct compensation from viewers to actors to begin with. I do not aim to talk about prostitution and pornography in its entirety, but in general.

    But anyway:

    I was probably going to jerk off anyway

    Yet, you only streamed because you needed to pay rent, or didn’t you?

    Also, I did not propose immediately anything that would threaten the activity in the way you practiced it,on the contrary, banning pornographic networks would possibly encourage this type of pornography. If we got to a state where most porn was like this, we would have made a huge progress.

  • Obviously, no censorship measure can reach all cases, especially when it comes to pornography, you can find it in every corner of the internet. But it can cover most cases if it targets the most popular sites. For example, there is a lot of child pornography on the surface web, despite it being banned in most countries, but the ban makes access difficult and guarantees punishment in any case that the law takes notice of. It is not a definitive strategy, as it aims at the effect and not the cause, but it is something.