Want more GNU in Linux, so Guix, btw. पूंजीपति will be sent to corrective labour camp.

  • 229 Posts
Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: October 3rd, 2023


  • I also have a similar vision. A miniature NAS/desktop, from where I can ssh to a light-weight, battery efficient laptop. And a modular, chonky Thinkpad-like cyberdeck with good battery, for on-the-move hacking. Localized compute unit, with the option to house multiple upgradable, System-on-a-Module may be a part of the modern smart-city home as a default , I’d guess?

  • Snaps are a default no, obviously. Most of the points by Flatkill still hold true to this day. Apart from that, I have my own set of disagreements which I’ll not be talking about - basically, stuff like reproducibility, storage space, inconsistent permissions, inconvenient configurations, outdated runtime - well, you get the point, so I’ll not be expanding on that.

    My primary disillusionment towards Flatpak has to do with how people with shared backgrounds and vested corporate interests have taken over open-source - in this particular case, I am talking about Big Tech. It’s almost as if the space for a community-developed organization is hijacked by them - by them occupying core positions of the organization.

    These organizations do not follow a horizontal approach to decision-making, they often come up with decisions without consulting folks that aren’t within their direct circle, and worst, when they’re held in a tight-spot, they can evade any criticism by appealing to authority - that they’re the maintainers/contributors, and they know what’s best for the project’s future.

    The same is true about funding - it is always through members of the company that they’re indirectly funding these projects, that I can’t help but feel that the “community”, aka the outsiders never had the chance to be a part of the decision-making.

    Flatpak may have it’s share of poor features that can be fixed - sand-boxing can be improved by using permissive containers that allow particular shell variables, installation will throw dialogue, informing the users beforehand about the permissions these apps will need, developers may be forced to use proper run-times, and perhaps, some of the runtime be eliminated to use system dependencies, thereby complying with storage compliance - I don’t know, but it could be fixed. But this invisible, unspoken flaw in the governance? No way.

  • velox_vulnus@lemmy.mltoLinux@lemmy.mlFlathub has passed 2 billion downloads
    1 day ago

    With the largest group of people graduating with an engineering degree, you’re telling me they don’t use Linux? Just check the stats at NSF for the number of degrees awarded in S&E.

    India alone has 14% in the desktop market share for Linux. China’s market share is not easy to tell, thanks to the firewall, but 90% of government computers use Kylin and other Chinese-developed distros.

  • velox_vulnus@lemmy.mltoLinux@lemmy.mlFlathub has passed 2 billion downloads
    1 day ago

    Wrong, India and China has the highest number of engineering grads. From NSF:

    India awarded 2.5 million S&E first university degrees in 2020, followed by China (2.0 million) and then by the United States (900,000).

    With a younger population that is more than ever, a need for laptop would be in the highest demands. In fact, if you check the desktop market share for Linux in India, it is the highest, at around 14%.

  • I wish I could, but given the condition I’m in - soon-to-be 24, unemployed, mentally poor, no heirloom, no inheritance, no labor laws, high levels of pollution - these aren’t ideal conditions for a child.

    I’ve also never courted a woman before - I can probably not, because it is my intrinsic bias that I won’t have anything to provide from my end, and that I don’t want it to be one-sided, and also because personal circumstances - abusive family, you know.

    I don’t want another cog to this exploitative capitalist machine. I guess I’m just unlucky, but hopefully, this suffering ends with me. This makes me feel a little sad, but I don’t want to be selfish.

    And no, I’m not taking care of adopted kids. There’s barely a few rupees in my account. Worst case possible, I want save it for the endgame.

  • I used to own a Hotwheels’ '68 Shelby GT500 car, but I lost it - think some kid stole it. That was almost eight years ago.

    If I had to be honest, I would love to own a electrified, rally version of the 60s, 70s and 80s BMW. I’m not talking about the touring models - they look ugly as hell. The four-door version with large ground clearance and fat tires - I love it.