Thanks so much for sharing this Bookwyrm is on my radar to try (currently use storygraph). I’ve been looking for ways to contribute to the open source community as a non-coder so def going to check out bookbrainz. Freedom of information is one of my biggest passions and this goes hand in hand with those goals as they form the backbone of meaningful archival efforts.
Thanks for saying this - I did click the link but saw it was 45mins and was immediately out until I read the comments.
Incredible video. I love him!
Thanks so much for the reply, I’ll give it a download to play with it - I certainly am a big fan of simple!
This looks great. Thanks so much for your work on this and sharing with us.
What in your opinion sets your software apart from the other options you mention?
I have recently setup dockers for plex, immich, nextcloud and paperlessngx but have yet to look at longterm maintenence inc. things like auto updates (I know to avoid on immich).
As someone who prob knows the options inside and out - would you recommend your option to this relative newbie or do you think one of the other options might be a better place to start?
This was a fantastic read, thanks for sharing.
Like the other commenter I would love to know where I could read more exploring this line of thinking, any pointers?
The world: How much are your eggs?
Trump: $100
The world: Sure we’ll help… that will be $99.
Ah I’m envious… Mine is only 2 and there is a lot less interesting stuff going on with Duplo 😅
Do it! I cannot stress how much fun it is to discover that your handful of sets can also be built into a dozen other cool things. Especially if you struggle to come up with amazing ideas yourself, the more sets you find you can build, the more you’ll learn.
On that note - if you haven’t played with Lego since you were a kid like I did … you are about to be blown away by how cool some of the build techniques are and what they can accomplish.
For me it looked like tupperware city… Every old plastic container I could find.
This was helpful to me although says much more than needed - for a TLDR just scroll down to the example with the red bricks being categorised into big groups and then broken down again. (I can’t emphasize enough though doing things by color is horrendous 😅)
There isn’t anything on here I don’t think but I do think there is r/Legostorage (might not have remembered the name perfectly) which has tonnes of good ideas and advice. Ultimately after you have added all the parts you are going to want to store them in a meaningful way to actually get them quickly.
Oh and when searching parts look out for printed parts or very unique looking parts - often you’ll find those are in very few sets and it’ll give you an idea of sets you might have.
Additionally rebrickable let’s you convert parts into sets if you have all the parts.
Yes! I just did this with 25000 pieces I got on FB market place.
Identifying what you can build: You want:
Then you can search for what you can build - filtering by exact colours/close matches/any.
You can also filter only official sets, alternative builds for official sets and MOC (make own creation - builds other people have come up with - both paid and free)
Identifying Parts: Finally as someone who took weeks adding all my parts and only discovered this app in the last few days…
This website you can take a photo of any one piece and it will give you the part number so you don’t have to hunt for it on the rebrickable parts list. It is astonishingly accurate!
Other tips: Sort your parts first. I went through 2 key stages…
With rebrickable you can just select 1x2 brick and add 10 black and then just quickly change number and color to 8 green etc. So colour’s are not worth sorting til the very end!!
Plus identifying all the green 1x2s in a pile of 1x2s is a LOT easier than identifying all the 1x2 greens in a huge pile of green stuff.
I’ll stop now as it’s becoming a wall of text but any questions feel free to ask!
Christ I reread that first line about 5 times trying to figure out how introducing a comma would help make things better.
Guess I’m all in on the original.
Yes! And more commonly referred to as “blindos”
Me turning up the radio whenever my car starts making a terrible noise.
Thanks for the reply. That makes sense to me, part of me balks at meeting in the middle with such extremes already in play especially given that even these numbers will still be seen as nigh poverty enforced by evil socialist to the ultra wealthy.
Yeah I can see that, very interesting example. I have to think about that more as I’m already thinking of loads of similar examples. I guess at the end of the day a 90-99% tax above $x would still be “fair” but it def is a different perspective on ultra wealth that might not necessarily be “stolen.”
So zero critique but to me these numbers still seem insurmountably huge. I wonder what makes $10/100 million your cut off points?
I ask because it’s hard for me to imagine how one individual can amass $100 million in wealth without theft from those actually producing value. But I’m also aware that somewhere along the way actual lines have to be drawn and don’t necessarily have my own metric for where that should be.
Kids are easy to manipulate in general. But kids raised in this environment are a predators dream come true.
They are told they are sinners from birth and therefore unlovable outside of god’s infinite generosity of murdering his own kid. They are told whatever happens to them is for a reason and doesn’t need to “make sense” as it makes sense to god. They are taught never to speak out against “gods anointed” and see everyone around them they trust speak of this pastor figure like they are a god.
Predators like these pastors know there is a low chance they will ever talk. Beyond that they know they will be “forgiven” if they are caught a lot of the time. Thinking of that viral clip a couple of years ago of a pastor being given a standing ovation for “bravely coming forward and confessing sexual sin” [r*ping a 14yr old]
The whole thing is a god damn mess and the sooner we are done with it the better.
There is an Organic Maps ios app which I use to mostly good effect. Occasionally have to fall back to Google maps and then I make a note to update OSM with the details missing where possible later.