Small-time opensource developer, big-time opensource user.

I like to run.

  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023

  • As a longtime Debian Stable user, I can attest that gaming on it works just fine, whether via Proton or natively.

    It was rough at the first half year or so after Steam Linux client launched where system libraries were simply too old and one had to smuggle in libc from Ubuntu, but that got solved by the next Debian release, and it’s been smooth sailing ever since. :)

    Of course, I wouldn’t recommend Debian for a gaming system for a newbie. It’s just what I’ve been using as my daily driver for decades, so I did not want to switch to something else just for something as unimportant as gaming.

  • Also, every nation, regardless of culture, religion or government type plays the same - the only perceivable difference is access to resources for your economy. I tried playing large nations and small nations in every corner of the planet, and got pretty bored towards the end.

    I decided that I won’t so much as look at Vicky 3 for at least two or three years, then give it another chance. Hopefully by then, it won’t be an empty canvas with just some of the corners painted in, like it is now.

    The game’s got great potential, but it is mostly unrealized yet.

  • Steam doesn’t want my phone number just to sign up, Discord does. :)

    This is all general info, which I more or less pieced together from various forum posts and the mod description on the Steam Workshop - but thanks for confirming it.

    What I was looking for is some table summarizing which Anbennar version works best with which game version. And ideally versioned tags in the git repo - or release tarballs, whichever is easiest to maintain for the devs.

  • What I would like to know is how to track the development and releases for this mod. It seems pretty difficult to get this info, if you do not want to give up your privacy and join their Discord.

    I read in some discussions that right now, the release that is available via Steam Workshop is outdated and buggy on latest game versions, and that they are working on an update. But I can’t find anything useful anywhere about it.

  • Thanks for confirming this!

    I know that having just one or two tiles touching the lava surface should be enough for many hundreds of cycles, but I just know that those lava tiles will solidify in the most inconvenient moment, so I wanted to have a bit more leeway - thousands of cycles. That way I can be sure that I will stop playing that particular colony long before enough heat is extracted. :)

    For now, I made a mini-spike about three tiles deep - basically, as far as the dupes could build with a ladder built just above lava.

  • Same here. I keep shaking my head in disbelief when I read all this “you need this custom niche distro if you want nvidia without problems” posts, and then look at my totally uncustomized Debian Stable PC, on which I’ve been playing modern games for many years now. :)

    Really, the only trouble I’ve had was not Nvidia related at all - in the very beginning when Steam Linux client was released, Debian had too old glibc, and I had to resort to LD_LIBRARY_PATH/LD_PRELOAD tricks with glibc snatched from an Ubuntu package. But next Debian release fixed even that, and it’s been smooth sailing ever since.