• 3 Posts
Joined 1 month ago
Cake day: May 24th, 2024

  • ssj2marx@lemmy.mltoLemmy Shitpost@lemmy.worldStay Mad, Tankies
    5 hours ago

    but I don’t believe authoritarianism is the best way to go about it.

    Humor me for a moment, which of the following do you consider authoritarian?

    • asking your boss for better wages
    • using the power of a union to force your boss to give your coworkers better wages
    • using the power of the state to force all bosses to pay all workers better wages

  • ssj2marx@lemmy.mltoLemmy Shitpost@lemmy.worldStay Mad, Tankies
    10 hours ago

    we can’t fix our current situation in one election.

    We can never fix the current situation in one election. Fixing the American system, within the parameters set forth by that system, requires a dedicated voting bloc that lasts multiple elections refusing to vote for the Dems until they shift far enough left to appease that bloc. As long as you are focused on the next election, your prescription for fixing American politics is just as unrealistic as a random Twitter tankie declaring a general strike.

  • I want Hillary so bad. I’m imagining the scenario plays out similar to how Biden got elected but on fast forward, maybe over the course of a single night - Biden doesn’t get the support he needs at the Zoom convention, a bunch of candidates put their names into the hat, a Socdem takes an early lead, and then everyone gets behind the only other recognizable Democrat brand in consideration in order to beat them out.

    Biden throws a fit, but without the DNC there’s no way he can actually run an independent campaign, and he spends the remainder of his term wandering around the white house with only the secret service for company. Hilldog wins and there’s another Jan 6, but it’s like 1/3 the size of the original and the entire national guard of Maryland and Virginia are stationed around DC for the duration.

    She then gets into office and it’s basically a shot for shot repeat of Biden’s term. By 2028 Hillary is deep in Alzheimer’s and can’t be shown on TV because she keeps saying really racist shit and thinking white house staffers are prison inmates on work release. Gavin Newsom finally gets his shot but he loses in a landslide to someone who has been credibly charged with grooming a minor.

  • The 18% figure is a biased sample from an anti-DPRK NGO. More comprehensive research into North Korean defectors by Cho Cheon-hyeon for his book Defectors indicate that most North Korean defectors simply want to make money in China, with only about 40% of defectors wanting to go to South Korea.

    So I did misremember, but my point still stands on the fact that most of them don’t want to defect to South Korea, even before taking into account that even at their 2009 peak defectors were a tiny fraction of a percent of North Korea’s population and the existence of them in no way implicates all of North Korean society in secretly wanting to escape.