somename [she/her]

  • 6 Posts
Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: March 23rd, 2022


  • A lot of liberals can see issues in society, problems. People being oppressed, people unable to afford to live, increasing isolation etc.

    But they resist “feel-good” solutions to these problems, that people less educated than them might come up with. Housing too expensive? The answer is clearly not to provide free or subsidized housing. That sounds good, but it would cause untold economic pain, making things worse. Instead we need a 5 year committee exploration into tax breaks for first time home buyers with a small business. This is just rational behavior. Intelligent behavior.

    This type of logic can be applied in every situation, where they add “depth” and “complexity” to every situation, so that they can rationalize their slavish adherence to the status quo, and so that they can feel superior to the unenlightened populists.

  • It’s so revealing when shitheads make complaints like that. For all their talk of “biological facts” in regards to stuff like conditioning, they can’t help but reveal the base misogyny at the core.

    Like how the hell do you ever justify that women can’t shoot a gun. Some of the most famous sharpshooters of all time have been women. Does estrogen make bullets go bad?

  • Yeah for sure. I know weed can cause anxiety/paranoia, which can sorta lead to blowing things out of proportion. I know people around me, at the start, were just like “don’t worry, you’re just really high.” which is fair, because most of the time that’s probably the case. And I’m kinda hesitant in some ways to say it’s not that, because it seems kind of sensational. But I had a lot of weird experiences beyond like anxiety/panic/weirdly enhanced sensation.

    To start it was fine, I could start feeling it coming on, in like, normal ways. But then things changed all the of the sudden. I kinda like crouched down and ended up somewhere else. Like, it was like coming out of anesthesia. I was just “off” for a moment, like I’d died, and very slowly my brain started rebooting and recreating the ‘person’ functionality. Which was very existentially terrifying in the moment lol, in a way I can’t even properly describe now, so far from it.

    As I slowly started gaining awareness again, things were a bit different. The best way I can describe it was like experiencing reality in circular? My vision was rotating, like seeing things in thirds rotating around a central point. I also felt stuff in circular. Like, if I pinched myself, the pain would resonate in a circular path around my head. Same with stuff like taste or touch. Mental capabilities and emotions alternated as well, cycling through various emotional states, various mental abilities, like vision processing, thought, and occasionally momentary lucidity.

    It was kind of terrifying in the moments when I had the capability to realize how fucked things were. Though it got better as things slowly improved, and I realize I hadn’t permanently broken my brain.

    There was also other stuff later, when stuff got less intense. Like seeing the shapes you sometimes see when you shut your eyes tightly, and having it trigger weird “this is important” feelings, or seeing still frames from a TV show playing, and being certain it was some deep memory.

  • Anyone ever had “non-traditional” effects from weed? I rarely use weed, but a few months back I took an edible, and accidently took about twice as much as I thought. I took 5mg gummies way back, and that was nice, so I figured I’d take two instead, try slightly more. But the gummies were actually 10mg, so I went from 5 -> 20.

    Things were cool for a short period when I started feeling it, but then my brain kinda broke for a bit. I think I was in the hallucination/psychosis zone, though I feel kind of silly typing that out right now.

    I, being dumb, and considering buying more edibles (weaker edibles).

    How dumb am I being right now?