socialistbusdriver [he/him]

  • 1 Post
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: October 3rd, 2020


  • We are still there. The state is still there, that the workers built.


    One of the verses mentions “Springers Gänsefüßchen-Land” which sounds like it means Springer’s goose feet nation, but apparently goose feet is one way to say quotation marks. Apparently Axel Springer (a publisher) required the use of quotation marks around the name DDR in a refusal to legitimize it.

  • Thank you! Those of us in the West absolutely benefit from the global order! The fact that labor costs are lower in the periphery reduces the cost of living in the core. The proletariat in the core is therefore given a choice between cooperation with capital which brings it’s own benefits, or it could risk joining with the people in far away countries with whome they can’t speak the same language, to gain an uncertain benefit.