BTW, I’m also written the backend. There are some examples on the web about solving this problem in the backend using cookies to keep track of the state. I’m give it a try.
Thanks for the reply. I was thinking about that, but in this specific case, changing back button behavior seem to improve user experience. See, for instance, Lemmy. IIRC, after submitting a new post, you are redirected to the post page you just submitted. If you press browser back button, you are taken to the community index page, not the submit form. How does Lemmy achieve this? Is it one single page, which content is changed by Javascript or, it is like my application, in which a full reload of the page is done?
Thanks. It seems these functions are useful in a SPA context? Since I’m reloading every page (I’m using plain HTML for most of this application) these functions seem not to be really useful for the purpose I wrote. Maybe I’m doing something wrong?
Thanks for the reply. Yeah, I’ll probably go that way once I get familiar with basic HTTP authentication in Spring.
Pelo que entendi tem que copiar as configurações de group_vars/all.yml
para inventories/<suamaquina>/group_vars/nas.yml
e alterá-las nesse arquivo, conforme as suas necessidades né?
Olha, eu aprendi tudo lendo a documentação oficial mesmo (em inglês). Mas passa aqui o erro que tá dando ou a dificuldade que você tá tendo, quem sabe a gente consegue te ajudar.
That is exactly what I’m looking now! Thanks! I’m actually new to this paradigm. How is it more secure than storing password in plain text? I mean, in your application, you’ll have to store a token or something, so you can query Vault server, right? If an attacker have access to the server, it can query the Vault server with the token, retrieving relevant secrets, no?
Thanks. I would still have to store ansible-vault password locally or something like that, no?
Olás. Você já está escrevendo o próprio playbook ou está usando algo pronto? Sem trecho de código ou mensagens de erro fica difícil de saber qual o problema.
Thanks for the answer. I’m actually deploying to a local Linux server. Is there any tool I could use?
Yeah, I ended up using awk, which solved my problem perfectly. I was just curious if I could do that with sed, but it seems too complicated. Thank very much, guys!