Such a pathetic comment, on a pathetic post, by a pathetic racist. Nobody is laughting with you about cops murdering a raciste caricature of a black man. You should really crawl back to twitter and stop bothering normal people you racist loser.
Such a pathetic comment, on a pathetic post, by a pathetic racist. Nobody is laughting with you about cops murdering a raciste caricature of a black man. You should really crawl back to twitter and stop bothering normal people you racist loser.
Lmao your victim complex is truly impressive, a 5s google search show that he wasn’t fined for refusing to fly the flag or make a pride statement, but because he did it explicitly because of his bigotry AND he followed it with discriminatory statements. But please keep outing yourself as an ignorant hateful sheep it make it easier to laugh at you.
Yes women enforce the patriarchy too but as i was saying men are the main enforcer.
I mean… No? I dont see where it would imply that its men fault. The word mean that men rule. The ODE define it by “a society, system, or country that is ruled or controlled by men” And the argument that both gender (sexes may not be the best word for what you were trying to say) are maintaining the system hold some truth, But you can t deny that men did vote in favour of the rapist in the last US election , or that it is men that are leading a war against feminism in Skorea.
Nope you were right, i forgot to add the old french part, thanks for the catch :)
Not in modern french but it was in old french :)
My best guess would be that saintclair’s prononciation was influenced by french, as in french the “t” is pronounced while st john might be more “english”, leading to the “t” being silent
Il peut faire 3 mandat ! Juste pas de suite, je suis 100% convaincu qu’il cherche a faire gagner lepen pour revenir 5ans plus tard en “sauveur”
I think its a good idea in theory but sadly it is absolutly not a Universal language, it is an european language (i tried learning it and from my limited experience , its a mix of french/spanich/italian/english with a little bit of german.) So i dont really like it because of the racist implication that European language are the most important and are "Universal ".