Yeah, she has massive tits, but to do this is unnecessary and pointless.
Yeah, she has massive tits, but to do this is unnecessary and pointless.
All three are actually, the waist/ribcage cord is meant to be straight around, not in a big U neck.
Light-bulb tan for me.
Busty Buffy / Lucie Wilde
*Aeroplane blondes
I’d be happy with either of them, treacle!
Why bother mirroring it?
‘I’d like to put her on like a front-pack’ I like it!
A ‘throwabout’ if you will.
I’ve always thought she is to beautiful for such bad tattoos.
Downvoting is a legitimate feature of any posting site, especially if something doesn’t fit the theme or spirit of a category and is just posting for coverage, like advertising for onlyfans by sending the same pic to multiple threads. I guess ‘report post’ is going to become more toxic as a consequence.
Only 2 are feasible due to I don’t like tats. And they are both fabulous. But 4.