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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • I don’t know, it just feels like we haven’t tried much of anything here.

    You’re absolutely correct in that. We’ve mostly just allowed for monopolies and oligopolies to take over industries in a way that only supports their bottom line.

    This is one place where I think the free market could have worked, given enough time and sufficient enforcement to prevent this sort of conflict of interest, but the time for that was a decade or two ago. Now we need strong interventions by multiple levels of government to fix this problem.

  • if you’re not increasing supply then you’re failing your free market duty

    I disagree. Brooks is correct in saying that it’s not their job and that its two separate industries. Affordable/social housing is the government’s job, not theirs.

    In theory, the free market should see this increase in rental prices and react by building more units. Why isn’t that happening? Largely it comes down to the fact that a lot of developers are also landlords, and thus have a huge conflict of interest in this area. This is where regulators need to step in. But landlords (on their own) do not, and should not, be responsible for building housing.

  • No such thing.

    The $10k Chinese EV is only $10k in China. When localized for other markets, it’s much closer to the same price as all other EVs. Some of this is tariffs, but there’s a bunch of changes they need to make to meet safety requirements. Even the $15k Seagull they talk about in the article is expected to be the cheapest offering in Europe, eventually, and they’re aiming for 20k Euros, which is 30k CAD.

  • The good:

    • My LGS doesn’t have to order 3 different types of boosters and guess how much everyone wants of each. They have run out of draft boosters before, and they’re stuck with a bunch of extra boosters from sets that didn’t sell so well. This is partially just a reality of running a store, but only having 2 types of boosters with vastly different audiences is better.

    The bad:

    • Sometimes there just isn’t a pick 1 in your colors in packs 2 and 3 (on Arena). This is especially obvious in MH3 with the colorless theme, but it’s also possible in normal sets. I don’t know if this is different in arena vs. in paper.

    • Everything costs more. I’m in Canada, so draft prices were going up well before the switch, but this made it even more expensive.

    • Sealed is swingier. With a chance at opening up to 4 rares in a pack, those that do will have more bombs and more powerful cards in general. OTJ was very bomb heavy, so sealed was even more lopsided. This also affects drafts somewhat, but I think that can be fixed with design balancing once they get used to the changes. I don’t think sealed can be fixed with card design.

    Ultimately, I think this is worse for players and better for businesses and way better for WotC. They can fix most of the problems, but price isn’t something they’re interested in fixing (and, to be fair, the price of a booster has stayed well below inflation). Unfortunately, this means that some people just can’t draft anymore or as often.

  • I feel like there need to be multiple CS pathways. For example, people who want to go into hardware development might take a set of courses more closely aligned with electrical engineering.

    There are.

    My university (and many others) offered Computer Science, Software Engineering, and Computer Engineering. Computer Engineering is sort of a middle ground between EE and SE, where you learn hardware concepts like circuits and semiconductors (for hardware development), but there are also algorithm-based courses.

    Each of the programs has many options for elective courses, and you can focus on databases, algorithms, security, web development, or whatever you want. The core concepts are the same, and it’s more about learning broad concepts and skills, rather than focused skills. Things like Redis and Elasticsearch didn’t exist when I took my database course - the practical portion was mostly just SQL. Things like Docker came even later. But the broad concepts I learned allow me to jump in and use “new” technologies as they mature and stabilize.

    None of the programs were just “coding bootcamp”. Coding was almost inconsequential to my degree (CompEng), though I understand it’s used more heavily in Computer Science degrees. I had a single first-year course that was supposed to teach us programming - all the other courses just assumed a basic knowledge. The focus was more on the design, the logic, and the algorithms. Anyone can code - the bootcamps have that right. But not everyone can design and implement a distributed system efficiently and securely.