internet dog :)



  • 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • This is a good looking piece of hardware, but i hope they keep the price low. That’s the biggest thing that these sorts of systems have going for them is making a desktop ecosystem affordable, and if this is expensive I fear it’ll be fighting an uphill battle against the steamdeck bc it seems most steamdeck competitors tout their windows compatability as an upside, and as far as most consumers are concerned that’s true

    Either way, if this is good (and I can afford it when it hits the market), this might be the handheld pc i pick up. Great looking chassis, good feature suite, hall effect sticks out of the gate, and it helps get me back to tinkering with linux more. Seems like a win all around

  • the thing is, cyberpunk 2077 released and did gangbusters (after perhaps the rockiest launch cycle in recent memory, but still. game sold well). Deus Ex taps into a lot of the same themes and aesthetics that got cyberpunk 2077 to sell well, it just seems like embracer doesn’t see it as a safe bet, and their definition of safe is informed heavily by their recent fuck-up with their sauid acquisition gambit. It’s a function of a bunch of executives with eyes bigger than their stomach and then having to ballast every possible IP they can manage in order to not ruin the ~shareholder value~ they’re working so hard to not shunt into the atmosphere.

  • I think the observation that there’s more subs than doms, generally speaking, is a salient one and one worth keeping in mind. I honestly wish I had been told that when I was looking actively for a dominant partner because like, yeah you’re almost definitely right it’s just not something I’d ever really thought about bc it’s so much easier to contextualize your own struggle than try to think about the bigger picture

  • I’m masc presenting and I was worried for a while that women tended to not like submissive men, which was really discouraging for me. I found my current partner though, who does, and that’s really changed my perspective. I’m not remarkable in any means (I’m 6’ tall but not conventionally attractive, not thin/don’t have tremendous muscle. Just kinda average) but my perspective has changed from “women don’t like submissive men” to “lots of women do like submissive men, there’s just 1) not a ton of them, 2) they don’t tend to advertise it the same way men do, and 3) they don’t tend to look as intently as submissive men do for dominant partners” – partially because there’s just less dominant women, and partially because I think they find long-term partners that meet those needs and that’s it for them

    I’m not gonna tell you it’s easy, it’s not, but I’m a thoroughly unremarkable person that was pretty comfortably in your shoes for a long time and then I lucked out into my partner. The best advice I can give is being a decent person goes a long way towards smoothing over any concerns with dom/sub dynamics, and if that dynamic is important to you it’s good to be open to talking about it even if it results in failure. Find spaces where advertising that is beneficial too, join your local kink community – I’ve been to a few kink events, namely just sloshes and munches, casual stuff out at a bar. Nothing tremendously freaky, but it’s a good place to find women that might be more interested in someone that identifies themselves as a sub. Good luck!!

  • No, there’s no point in time that would grant Israel legitimacy. The same way America/Canada has to confront their colonial past over Native Americans, or Australia with the Aboriginiees, or any other number of colonial nations, despite the time that’s passed since. I’m sympathetic to the plight of Israelis that were born into an apartheid system and now feel they have a claim to the land and a life there, but by saying they have equal claim by nature of being born there you let time erode the culture and heritage of the Palestinian people that were also born into that space, but into a different and much more unfair system. That concept of time granting increasing legitimacy to Israel as a state is exactly what Israel needs, the longer it’s able to commit these atrocities to enable further existence of the state of Israel, the more and more ridiculous “why not just give it back?” Seems as an argument.

    Palestinians do have more of a right to violence, but I don’t think that violence should be directed at those of whom don’t have power within that system (civilians). Violence is a tool of the oppressed to fight back against the oppressor. The child who was born into Israel and hasn’t even been able to grow enough to form an opinion on the system they were born into isn’t an oppressor in the same way the Israeli government is, the same way the idf is, the same way other facets of the system that serve to squash Palestinians are, and as a result should not be a target of that violence. That’s abhorrent. But Palestine’s very existence, these people’s lives are at stake if they don’t fight back. Ignoring how unfair a two state solution even is to people whose homes were robbed from them in 1947, Israel hasn’t even been so much as willing to come to the table regarding that solution, so Palestine needs to fight for its continued right to exist outright, and that’s a natural consequence of Israel trying to weaponize the passage of time to further legitimize it’s existence as a state, and giving them that is dangerous for the lives of those Israel has a vested interest in murdering.

  • As far as price/performance ratio, iems are unbelievable. I used to be an over-ear purist but the quality of iems have blown me away that I’ve moved over almost completely. I keep a pair of high quality iems at my desk for listening/daily use at my computer, and a pair of galaxy buds 2 are my knock-arounds for daily use while out and about, doing chores, or even while sleeping (foam tips make them remarkably good as both earplugs and also for listening to whatever helps you fall asleep)

  • I don’t care who is doing it because it’s abhorrent from both ends, regardless of the frequency or scale. It’s bad no matter what.

    But the ends don’t justify the means in either case, so in stead we need to evaluate what’s being fought for in the first place for context, because both sides are commiting atrocities on various scales so you can try to one up whichever side you disagree with so we need to look at the context of the fight and what’s being fought for. Under that lens, israel is an occupying colonial force by any metric and was given it’s current territory by other colonial, imperial forces. It’s claim to the state of Palestine is tenuous at best and isn’t even consistent with the Jewish faith, where Jews see themselves as perpetually in exile until their Messiah comes. Israel leverages it’s position as a colonial ethnostate to make people correlate support of the Jewish faith with support of their apartheid ethnostate, which is also a false equivalence. None of this is a conspiracy theory, it’s rooted in fact and also agnostic to which side is committing more atrocities. I’m not saying Hamas is doing nothing wrong, I’m saying relative to this point it doesn’t matter if they are or not. Hamas are Palestinians that had their homes robbed from them, Israelis are not.

  • This is a false equivalence. Most of the rhetoric I’ve seen about Hamas is that it’s an inevitable consequence of Israel’s treatment of restricting the Palestinian people to an open-air prison. Saying “We can’t support either Hamas or Israel” ignores the fact that most people in favor of Palestine are in favor of the civilians, the people who did nothing and are still bombed and tortured and executed. Not to say that Hamas deserves to be bombed and tortured, they’re citizens as well that shouldn’t be in this situation in the first place, but the large majority of support is in favor of the Palestinian people more broadly that are just unfortunate enough to be adjacent to the conflict and are forced to deal with the consequences of Israel’s bloodlust

    to be clear: I do think Palestinians have a right to fight for their own freedom. But with the amount of disinformation at play here i don’t know how many atrocities are actually committed by Hamas and how many are the result of Israeli misinformation campaigns. But the amount of any of that doesn’t change how I feel – Innocent civilians should never die in a conflict like this. I don’t care if Hamas is doing it [edit: or not. The purpose of this statement is to show that I don’t care if Hamas is doing something abhorrent and Israel isn’t, or vice versa because it’s irrelevant to the broader point. Just to clarify, my language was unclear], Israel is very clearly ALSO doing it, and it’s abhorrent and gross no matter who. But in terms of the conceptual “high ground” the west likes to bandy around, Palestinians have a right to fight for its freedom from an occupying colonial force.