Thank you. I found some 1080p cheap cams on the series of tubes, but who knows how well they work. None of them mention “image stabilization”, which I assume is a given for the market? Don’t want to go back to shakycam land like it’s 2008.
I want head mounted for better visibility and so that I can turn my head and capture (oncoming car, someone who runs a stoplight and I want to follow with the camera easily).
The normal route I take, with the dangers mentioned is the most minimized traffic/car exposed route available to me. Suburbs are the worst of all worlds; drivers aren’t used to seeing pedestrians yet the density of pedestrians and cars is high enough to constantly cause dangerous situations. Urban is actually safer because people might actually stop at a stoplight (for other cars likely but at least they stop), and rural with few cars is just easier to not be at risk as pedestrian.