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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 3rd, 2023


  • naeap@sopuli.xyztocats@lemmy.worldCat distribution
    2 days ago

    We found our cat young and starving, being left alone outside.
    But he was used to be outside and just locking him in would be cruel.
    He mostly happily hides in a hole or some cellar around, when he is outside anyway.

    We tried giving him a safety collar, but he was already like 6 months old, when we found him and wasn’t used to one. So he always got rid of the safety ones and we were too afraid that he should strangulate himself with a non-safety one.
    He is chipped. So I hope this is enough, when someone catches him.
    But he is very shy with other people and it worked out for 13 years now I’m different areas of the city - sometimes, in his young and wild years, he was gone for 2-3 days, but he always came back happy and hungry :-)

  • Just like an alcoholic has the problem, that he can’t just stop after a beer or two.
    It’s the same mechanism.

    Everything you use to cope with emotions can produce that.
    Like nicotine itself isn’t hard to quit - not much of a physical addiction. But as one used cigarettes as little self rewards and uncomfortable situations, you can’t just give up your tool to manage your emotions.

    The only way out is to face those emotions and solve the original issue. Else you’ll just be hopping through different “helpers”

    Edit: maybe to give an even more extreme example:
    Cocaine doesn’t produce any physical addiction, but because it gives you the feeling of being awake and you suddenly can handle the stress, you’ll fell completely lost and alone without it in those situations.
    That’s why trigger situations are a thing.

    With food, just like cigarettes, it’s even worse, because you use them for good and bad times.
    So the association with feeling good is much harder to break.
    As we need food, this addiction is probably even worse, because you can’t just stop eating all together and face your emotions. So you’re daily tempted with it.
    I personally can’t relate with overeating/“food addiction”, but having spent a month tapering opiate teas (which I used to still be able to work during my burnout), I understand the feeling of constantly looking for an excuse to still do a bit more - just today…
    Because this day was especially bad and I desperately need the crutch, or especially nice and I feel like I wanna celebrate it somehow.

  • naeap@sopuli.xyzto> Greentext@lemmy.mlSupportive dad
    10 days ago

    I’m 40 and would have no idea how big penis of a toddler should be - and with all growth hormone stuff happening, I wouldn’t feel comfortable at judging at this age (besides that it is mostly irrelevant in long term relationships)

    Also, my personal penis, so to speak, can be very minor, but as a grower I needed to step up my confidence, when being naked - but of curse instead of an actual micro penis, mine seems to be just shy and needs some encouraging words or kisses.
    So maybe I can’t relate.

    Still I think this idea is idiotic

  • naeap@sopuli.xyztocats@lemmy.worldPray for my boi
    14 days ago

    We feel you :'(
    Since 1.5 months we’re fighting for the life of our cat Loki. He usually had 6-6.5kg and only has 4.25kg left because of his gastritis, after surgery of an unrelated eye tumour, when we’re did a gastroscopy.

    We tried to give him some stomach protector, which he hated. So I mixed it into his food, which only led to him declining his diet food more and more.
    We switched the stomach protector to something more easily eaten and we started cooking for him - every 2h from 5 in the morning until 1 at night (sometimes also at 3, when he had appetite)
    Didn’t really help…
    So he got daily subcutaneous infusions with antibiotics and after a week or two he was much better and even gained like half a kg.
    He was happy, we were jumping in joy.
    But exactly after the last control visit at the vet, he declined his food again and 2 days layer he was diagnosed with a pancreatitis.

    So he would need to go for 24 hours stationary at the vet with IV infusions.
    That didn’t work out, as he wouldn’t hold still without us.
    So we went with him and did daily IV infusions for nearly 2 hours a day and he finally got better.

    He gained nearly 1kg and we were happy as fuck - him as well, as he was enjoying just being outside again.

    Then he started puking again…

    So the vet told us, that we need to switch to a specific diet food instead of our low fat cooking.
    He surprisingly ate 1-1.5 portions, but after that he declined it again - even with Mirtazapin to give him some appetite.

    That was yesterday. So last night he like really proudly showed me his puke, with a face of “look what this new food has done” and we switched back to cooking.

    I’m currently at the end of my wisdom and we’re emotionally completely drained.
    I’m self employed and haven’t worked for the whole time now, because I can’t focus anyway and with him being miserable I was just a 24 hours nurse. My wife luckily had a vacation now, so she could jump in a bit, so I could catch up with some sleep…

    But it’s a daily rollercoaster. Sometimes he has good days and wants to go outside, sometimes he just want to sleep and mostly he cuddles with us.

    He is the nicest and bravest cat I’ve ever had and we’ll fight however possible. But have my whole sympathy as we now how shit it is to see your loved cat deteriating and you can’t do much but watch :-(

    I actually wanted to add some pictures as tax, but I can’t find an easy easy in comments (in my mobile app) now

    At least feel hugged from very understanding other cat owners, currently facing mostly the same dilemma
    (By now I could probably fill a book just with the shit that happened in the last month…)

  • Not OP, but can only speak from my experience: Installing a second WM/DE usually messes up my install, as quite some stuff is just from one GUI framework, so I don’t have to have to much stuff installed.
    Also getting rid of it afterwards always wasn’t as easily possible.

    I completely get trying out a WM y firing up a VM. You could even just boot the live USB stick to check it out.
    But changing my working install just to try something (and then have to clean it up again) wasn’t working out for me in the past

  • I’m also happily running Manjaro on my new Framework 16.
    Even the fingerprint sensor works fine - although I’ll still need to tune LightDM a bit, so I don’t have to press enter.

    Do you have any tips what you have done further or any resources?

    At first the WiFi wasn’t working and is still a bit unstable - like isn’t available as interface after booting and I need to toggle flight mode.
    But it seems a newer kernel (6.10.6-10) mostly fixed it.

    Also sometimes coreboot seems to take some time. But only every 10 boots or something.