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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 13th, 2023


  • Excellent - that site is nice and basic. A good first project.

    Seek out some resources on HTML, CSS, basic Linux command line and nginx and start playing around. If you’re on a Mac you can do all this locally then rent a small VPS from digital ocean or the like for about $5/mo to host everything on the web when you’re ready. I can’t speak to options on windows.

    On your last comment it looks scary but if we break it down it’s not bad at all.

    while true ; do Programs are (super) basically made up of if “this” then do “this stuff”, and while “this thing” do “some stuff”. While true means run this next bit of code (until done) forever.

    nc -l -p 80 -c

    nc is a program (netcat) that reads/writes data to a network. - in Linux denote options for the program. These are saying listen, listen on port 80, and run a command.

    echo -e “HTTP/1.1 200 OK\n\n $(date)”’;

    The command netcat will run. This is HTTP protocol magicness and $(date) is a Linux command that prints the date.

    done Ends the loop

    Ez pz.

    If you have a Mac you can probably run this in terminal and check out what it does (do take care in running commands from the internet tho).

  • All good. Learning and exploring is part of the journey! For example hosting a website can be as simple as running a program

    (egwhile true ; do nc -l -p 80 -c ‘echo -e “HTTP/1.1 200 OK\n\n $(date)”’; done)

    or as complicated as an entire application with multiple databases and processes.

    For your first goal - what do you want your website to do? Blog? A bio about yourself? Are you interested in creating the HTML or do you want to focus on getting someone else’s application (eg matrix) up and running?

  • Do you have more specific goals? Running a home server and website isn’t really programming, more sysadmin work. If you want your website to be a web app that’s a different story.

    For arduino work C would be the most directly relatable. It’s a simple language but can be a bit tricky since the language itself doesn’t do much hand holding for you. Arduino does make it a bit easier though.

    The C Programming Language is probably the best programming book ever written for any language.

  • Not who you asked but I have a smartish home. There is no real need. It just affords convenience and for me lands pretty squarely in “hobby” territory.

    My lights turn on prior to sunset, and turn off after I go to bed. My porch lights dim at 10pm so I don’t disturb my neighbors as much. I have additional states of lights that are predicated on various scenarios. In short, I never touch a light switch, I never walk into a dark house, and my energy usage is reduced.

    My vehicle mileage and tire pressures are reported on a dashboard for me to monitor.

    My network statistics are monitored and graphed.

    Energy usage of electronics of interest to me are monitored and graphed.

    I have a software defined radio that I’m able to use remotely. Using a smart outlet I’m able to turn it on and off remotely as well instead of leaving it on 24/7.

    Unfortunately I have a camera that is cloud based my SO uses to monitor pets. Using a smart outlet I turn it on only when we are not home.

    Some of this can be accomplished with less smart means, some of it can’t, but it’s been fun to get it all setup.

  • I got a little curious too and just did a small amount of digging. The DHS latest report (Q2 FY 2023) can be found here:


    “About 11,700 refugees were admitted to the United States in FY 2023 Q2 (Table 2), a 113 percent increase from FY 2022 Q2, when only about 5,500 refugees were admitted.”

    So about 4000 a month, 1000 per week and 150 per day.

    That includes countries other than South America:

    “76 percent of refugees arrived from the top five countries of nationality: Democratic Republic of Congo, Burma, Syria, Afghanistan, and Colombia“

    I haven’t found a great source on illegal immigration yet.

    Edit: I got also got curious about the scale of this number so I looked up births per day (from some random sites) in the US and it seems like that’s about 10,000. Number of deaths per day seems to be around 8,000. So a net of about 2,000 people are added to the US per day “naturally”.

    Last edit: Found some info by the cbp: https://www.cbp.gov/newsroom/stats/nationwide-encounters

    Looks like an increase but nothing crazy. I don’t know what an “encounter” is either.