I like programming and anime.

I manage the bot /u/mahoro@lemmy.ml

  • 9 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • Just because you can get part of your education remotely or through self-learning didn’t mean “anything can be learned online”.

    And if you were hiring a math tutor for your kid, would you prefer a self-proclaimed expert from watching YouTube videos or would you want someone who got a degree from a credentialed university? And even if you don’t care, why are you surprised that others would be skeptical of the YouTube expert?

    Remote learning can be fine for some things, and self learning through informal channels are also fine, but it’s not a full on replacement for formal education in all cases.

  • This doesn’t help for Gmail. I moved to a different part of the country and I have a spam email account that isn’t connected to a phone or second email. Even with the right password, it wouldn’t let me log in because I was trying to sign in from a different location and no secondary way to authenticate.

    Luckily it was a spam email so it was just annoying to recreate some accounts I used for that email, but yeah ve warned.

  • Most of us have bad memories of over-complex hierarchies we regret seeing, but this is probably due to the dominance of OOP in recent decades.

    This sentence here is why inheritance gets a bad reputation, rightly or wrongly. Inheritance sounds intuitive when you’re inheriting Vehicle in your Bicycle class, but it falls apart when dealing with more abstract ideas. Thus, it’s not immediately clear when and why you should use inheritance, and it soon becomes a tangled mess.

    Thus, OO programs can easily fall into a trap of organizing code into false hierarchies. And those hierarchies may not make sense from developer to developer who is reading the code.

    I’m not a fan of OO programming, but I do think it can occasionally be a useful tool.