• 41 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • I’m not disagreeing with you, this is simply me probing for more details.

    Why do you think social media makes Lain more relevant? I thought Lain focused more on the wonder and magic of what The Internet could mean for humanity, rather than the social problems that can arise from actual internet usage. They definitely touch on someone portraying a different personality online compared to the real world (which is absolutely relevant regarding social media) but I thought that was more a function of Lain’s deteriorating mental state than a cautionary aspect of The Wired. Granted, it’s been a while since I’ve watched Lain, so I could be misremembering.

  • On a related issue, have you got any good book recommendations for cyberpunk that features other members of the Alphabet Mafia?

    Off the top of my head, I can’t think of many. The best recommendation I can give would probably be the classic cyberpunk novel Trouble and Her Friends by Melissa Scott. It was written in 1994 and being lesbian in the 90s is a major theme. But I haven’t actually read it myself, I’m just aware of it.

    I can’t think of any other specific novels where being gay is actually a theme or a major plot-point and not just something mentioned in passing. I mean, in Necrotech, the main character is trying to find her girlfriend but since the whole story is about the shenanigans she gets caught up in on that journey, you could replace the word “girlfriend” with “best friend” and it wouldn’t change a single thing in the story. In fact, I think that character may actually be bi; that’s how little it impacts the plot, I don’t even remember.

  • This is all second-hand knowledge (I’m not involved with nor personally know anyone involved) but I also had an account on dataterm.digital so I at least saw part of it. One thing I saw was the admin made a post on the local community saying he would be de-federating from one of the NSFW instances because dataterm.digital was hosted in Germany and he wasn’t sure of the legality of the content under German laws. Seems like a perfectly fair thing to do in my opinion. But, for whatever reason, a bunch of people from totally unrelated instances started flooding that post with horrible content that he had to moderate away. I don’t know why someone unrelated to dataterm.digital or that NSFW instance would have any stake in the issue, but there were a bunch of toxic comments.

    I don’t think this was the worst thing that happened to the instance, but I do believe it was the last straw. The admin was so irritated by the whole thing that he just outright deleted the entire dataterm.digital VM without any warning and is basically done with Lemmy now. I personally don’t blame him in any way, but I would’ve at least liked a heads-up that he was doing this. I only know about it because I found his mastodon post shortly after he deleted the VM.

    The people behind dataterm.digital also run the mastodon instance corteximplant.com and a couple other fediverse applications like pixelfed and misskey, but I don’t think they’re coming back to Lemmy.