hungrybread [comrade/them]

  • 2 Posts
Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: January 19th, 2021


  • Lol, same thing here. I told my partner “I’ve died about 5 times to the first enemy, so it seems pretty good so far.”

    I’ve been enjoying it so far, but this opening area feels very empty. it’s a bit of a shock coming from the base game. A lot of people seemed to think the base game was too big / too empty, those same people would probably say shadow of the erdtree is a horseback riding simulator.

  • This is unfortunately pretty true still. Funny thing is that brewers don’t like that either, but owners demand trendy beer (where brewer-owners land on that spectrum is naturally on the trendy side though).

    My experience in the home brew community (and lurking pro brewer communities) was typically people meming on the trends of the day: lots of pics of “buying ingredients” from the gas station candy aisle, complaining about the latest IPA fad, and bemoaning that they weren’t brewing a personal or local favorite (lots of German styles, which are great, but there’s a whole ass-world out there of beer y’all). Heck, from what I understand, homebrewing popped off in the 90s in response to terrible American macro beer options. It was pretty common back then to hack together your own equipment for brewing (probably mostly for mashing, apparently home sized equipment wasn’t really sold in the states then) to make a cool style (like a dunkel lol, we really had 0 beer options back then) they had never seen before.

    It would be really cool to see more experimental or regional styles brewed again, but, obviously, the petty bourgeois owners want to make bank instead. We really need more coop breweries! Funnily enough, my SIL has mentioned to me that she wants to open a brewery with me. Every time I say “only if it’s a coop,” then the conversation ends. Wonder why that is?

  • I have a couple of thoughts regarding this.

    First, in America at least, we spend a significant amount of time and energy legitimizing “nonviolent, civil disobedience” actions of the past , while pointing at any group that defends itself in any other capacity as just as bad, or worse!, than the status quo/gov/cops/take your pic. There is only one valid way, outside the ballot box, to demand/make change within liberal society and it is to literally demand that the gov/cops/military/local assholes beat you so badly that other onlookers are too embarrassed to let it carry on. This method is lovely for the ruling class because they can physically squash the people with demands and, if they are few enough of them, the protest ends, and the ruling class get several more years to run things.

    As an extension of above, protest organizers, and some protestors, explicitly know that the cops are there to escalate the situation. To avoid escalation many people simply do not defend themselves or others.

    This is all vibes base analysis based on my own experiences at protests, including ones where cops escalate the situation. I wouldn’t take it too seriously.