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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: July 19th, 2023

  • glassware@lemmy.worldtolinuxmemes@lemmy.worldAds in the Start Menu
    2 months ago

    Yeah it pisses me off the way people are like “tech bros ruined the internet”. No, users ruined it! There was no reason to stop self-hosting webpages, forums and IRC servers. Users switched to Facebook instead because they preferred it and didn’t care about the downsides. There’s an alternative to every website and app which respects privacy, serves no ads, and has no algorithm to farm your outrage. Users refuse to use them because they aren’t cool enough.

  • How does this argument not also apply to photography? A modern camera is a computer, you fiddle with the settings, press a button and it automatically makes a picture for you. People produce billions of shitty photographs a day which aren’t art, but that doesn’t mean someone working in photography as a medium can’t be an artist.

    In my experience it’s only non-artists who make this argument, because in their heads they’re comparing AI to painting. But for visual artists there are tons of mediums and disciplines where you don’t physically make the marks yourself and it’s the concept and composition that’s important.

    There was an exhibition of AI generated art at the big local gallery here last year and I expected artist friends to be against it, but they were just like “oh, that’s interesting”. They just see AI generation as another way of creating an image and whether a particular image is or isn’t art depends on the intention not the process.

  • This is why I can’t do online left wing spaces any more. They talk the talk about ableism, but then its “why can’t you boycott the only food you can eat, just eat something else”, “you could talk to service workers if you wanted to, you just think you’re better than them”.

    Then sharing a video of people with their fingers in their ears at a black music festival with a caption calling them racists, when they’re clearly autistic people enjoying the festival but having sensory problems.

    I blame the popular understanding/misunderstanding of neurodiversity. People think autism is just a personality type.

  • Does anyone else not really like talking about their special interests?

    I can see how bored people are the second I start, like their eye contact suddenly breaks and they look around the room, and only say “mmhmm” instead of replying. So I shut up after one sentence.

    But if the other person also likes the subject, I don’t like talking to them either, because there’s nothing to say. If we disagree I don’t want to be rude and argue so I awkwardly pretend to agree. If we agree then all you can do is tell each other things you both already know and agree that they’re good.

  • All the answers you got show why this conversation goes badly. No one can come up with an actual problem that data collection causes, it’s all silly comparisons to giving people your credit card number or shitting in front of them.

    For me, having my data collected is like having CCTV cameras in stores. Yeah, technically someone is filming everything I do. Yeah it would be bad if a private individual was filming me for nefarious reasons. But no one actually uses that data for anything bad, and it doesn’t actually cause any problems.

    All that happens is I get more relevant ads.

  • glassware@lemmy.worldtoAutism@lemmy.worldOn Self-Diagnosis
    10 months ago

    Proving my point? You’re a non-disabled person trolling a disability forum with ableism, but you think you have some righteous justification because you know somebody with a more severe disability. And you’ll never self reflect on it. Spicyautism in a nutshell.

  • glassware@lemmy.worldtoAutism@lemmy.worldIt’s what I do
    10 months ago

    I’m the opposite, I avoid them because I have no idea what a lot of memes and reaction images are supposed to mean.

    There was one people used all the time of a woman in a pink suit with her hands on her knees kind of squinting that was just baffling. Like what, are you tired, angry, horny?

  • glassware@lemmy.worldtoAutism@lemmy.worldOn Self-Diagnosis
    10 months ago

    No problem. I remember talking to my friend who works in autism support before my assessment, and I was shocked when he said it’s still valid to identify as autistic even if you get a negative diagnosis. I said “they wouldn’t like that on the autism forums” and he just rolled his eyes. The online community really isn’t what the community is like!

    My assessor said the same thing. There’s a spectrum of symptoms and no objective test, and ultimately for low support needs, whether yours reach the clinical significance for a diagnosis is a judgement call. You wouldn’t have passed the preliminary meeting to get a full assessment at all if you didn’t have autistic traits.

  • glassware@lemmy.worldtoAutism@lemmy.worldOn Self-Diagnosis
    10 months ago

    Spicyautism came about as a troll subreddit for non-autistic parents of autistic children to talk about how much they hate low support needs autistic adults. They only posts there that get more than 20 upvotes are “Here’s why I don’t think L1s really have autism”

  • glassware@lemmy.worldtoAutism@lemmy.worldOn Self-Diagnosis
    10 months ago

    We „the autistic community“ have decided that self diagnosis is valid and that is a fact.

    So true and I recommend anyone who spends time in online autism communities just get involved in IRL autism communities instead. I find online autism communities utterly toxic and full of gatekeeping and hatred for self diagnosis, which no one I’ve met in person has ever had a problem with.