they really should shove sbf and holmes in the same yard. they can shack up and con each other, and we wouldn’t have to keep hearing all these insane interviews
I’m @froztbyte more or less everywhere that matters
they really should shove sbf and holmes in the same yard. they can shack up and con each other, and we wouldn’t have to keep hearing all these insane interviews
we already have hilbert curves, you don’t need to go fill space just because it’s there
read the sidebar, you weird fuckwit
Libra-now-Diem, yeah. it was a full-on attempt to take the reins of value transmission and storage (“be the economy, be the bank”), beyond just coin
(also written about by david (which I haven’t read (yet?) because handwave all my usual things on fire))
^ what they said
do you even know where the fuck you’re posting
there may not be punishment enough for versace bedouin
didn’t you know? kids exist in perfect social isolation taking social cues only from their parents and no other information or humans they have contact with! and it’s not like parents have issues either, right? I mean who’d have issues and then go pop out some kids?! madness
(utter and complete /s ofc. the aforeposter in question is the intended recipient)
that was indeed another input to the heuristics
(post-hoc, to be honest. but it’s still fucking hilarious)
that was indeed another input to the heuristics
nominative determinism strikes once again!
a ghoul’s impressionist rendition of an actual person
I got a handful of paragraphs into reading that and then realized I definitely don’t want to read that tonight
def fuck that guy tho
for many years, I went blessedly unaware of who this random fuckjack was, knowing only: 1) ambiently knowing the name, 2) that I ambiently know the name (these two things together are usually a decent heuristic for me to not bother digging)
and then I got jumpscared by a full-scale mrbeast standee in a shop some months back
may I soon be able to forget about this fuckjack once again
yeah you make a valid point there on the social angle, that kind of vibes club shit has definitely clung to a lot of the recent shit
gonna have to do some digging sometime to see how this was swung with some of these propositions in the past. and, probably, find some translators, given how many of these will have been in places whose languages I don’t speak
that’s almost certainly a thing on the supporter/stan side, and probably not not a thing with the people that suggest these citybuilding, but I don’t know if it’s necessarily the prime motivation (or one of the primaries, as it were)
armchair analysis: the broad stroke of it is that suggesting a whole new thing instead of figuring out how to fix a thing sells simpler. on the face of it, “start fresh” means none of that messy “figure out how to address problems and work around them”, none of the politics, etc. of course this rarely holds up to scrutiny or realworld interaction at all, but the pitch is nice and clean. it’s a really big part of why we’ve seen a lot of these things (and a major driver behind the then-popularity of the many coins (alongside the lies of a golden payday)). but as to why it is so frequently cities, instead of anything even a bit smaller (new railways! new ports! new airlines! new $x…), that’s the thing that’s a standout wtf for me in this
it continues to be weird how many of these things want to Just Build A New City as magic solutionism. the same strain of “that’ll fix it” it shows up with Neom and some others too. dunno if I have a conclusion with that really, just that picking cities of all things seems like the fucking weirdest all-in-one pick to go with
anyone happen to know if there’s someone that’s studied this and written a bit about it?
okay wait there’s one possible failure mode in this reference which we might have to consider
“tapping the api”
checks out
“you just don’t understand me!” wails the sealion at the door
and they’re as stable as how much you seem to get the point