• 1 Post
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: August 2nd, 2020

  • It falls under a greater problem of our time. Everyone thinks they can be clever by becoming a passive income earner. So we get things like middle men which has been increasing the cost of things because every hand needs to grab a cut along the way. We have people becoming landlords slowly amassing rental properties which created a bigger and even life long tenant class. We get economies that revolve around stock markets pivoting industry from productivity to shareholder profit.

    I don’t know if this is a trigger phrase like it is on reddit but it’s true that nobody wants to work anymore. Societies require people to work to keep things going. Can’t have everyone sitting on their ass waiting for others work for them.

    Nobody wants to talk about it because nobody wants to be the sucker that didn’t get a leg up on everyone else. So everyone plays along with this massive collective cognitive dissonance.

  • It was nothing more than an off the shelf ARM SBC inside. Some third party designed and made the board. Nobody had the bootloader keys to unlock the units. It was easily bricked. No keys to recover it. They had sold it as a device for “hackers” but nobody could really hack it. The whole concept was dead on arrival.

    Several years later people discovered weaknesses in Nvidias bootloader code. The Ouya is vulnerable. So they’re finally wide open hackable. But nobody cares anymore.

  • They ignored the point that capitalism uses violent oppression to suppress innovation. Kind of a main point of the video. The evidence that other ideological regimes cannot innovate is always implicitly that capitalists won by military might therefore the interlocutor is compelled to concede a flawed premise from the outset.

    It’s like smashing the sportsball net then saying you won the game. Especially if one were to come from a scientific perspective that is not a proper comparison of technological innovation when you ensure nobody else can even try.

    Show us a world were different regimes compete scientific and technologically without resorting to violence against the others. We couldn’t have it because capitalists sabotage your science experiment, take your equipment, then declare themselves the winner.

  • I like to point out how reddit loathed SJWs. That was the prior right wing boogeyman known today as “woke”. They absolutely hated the people who were promoting socially progressive views.

    At the peak it was like every single day the site was circle jerking about how much they hated that. People reminisce about really distorted views of reddit like it used to be this cool left leaning platform. Sure if you ignore literally everything about what it was.

  • Don’t attempt rational discussion with a chud.

    Sometimes I use their own tactics against them. Keep pressing them with backwards hypocritical gotchas. Sometimes they get super confused because I’ve gone of script. “Wait a minute! I’m supposed to be the one doing that.” *chud hurts itself in confusion*. Some times they inadvertently start trying to be rational one.

    Most often they just shut up and go away because they know they can’t troll you.

    That’s all they’ve got is pre-prepped responses. They expect a standard set of responses because most people tend to fit the left leaning world views. They generally understand full well everyone position on things and they don’t care. Their objective is to incite people. So fuck with them back or ignore them.