flan [they/them]

  • 2 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: August 16th, 2022


  • I don’t disagree, I’d really like to see how the numbers actually break down to make sense of what a difference it’s making

    ive been watching it as i level up, it looks like its between 4-5% increase to your defense and attack power every level. So you should have something like 1.5x your normal damage at level 10.

    I’ve noticed that usually I’m able to rush bosses down fast enough that it’s never an endurance slog like Elden Beast, but every hit I take is doing like 50% of my HP and I’m wearing heavy armor

    you should also grab the dragoncrest shield talisman from the haligtree if you dont have it already, it’s another 20% to your physical defense. There is also a talisman that boosts defense in the expansion but i can’t remember where i found it. It will stack with the dragoncrest shield talisman. So between that and the fragment levels the bosses are hitting me like dark souls 3 bosses. I’ve found that all of the bosses so far have been pretty easy to stance break with a great hammer which has made things much smoother for sure.

  • I’ve played most-ish? of the way through at this point. I’m not really a fan of the fragment rune system they added. I understand why they did but it feels very unbalanced right now. Like either you’re wayyy underpowered or wayyy overpowered and there’s no in between and it’s really noticeable between dungeon enemies and then the bosses. Once you get to level 5 or whatever you’re pretty much nuking everything that isn’t a boss.

    There’s also no clear progression for this system. Why should I go to any of the side dungeons when the fragments are all over the place in the overworld or in the main legacy dungeons? What do I get from doing the side dungeons besides spending 45 minutes trying to navigate a catacomb only to get shit on by the Nameless King because I’m doing an unintentional SL1 attempt. Idk. feels like they are not really respecting my time with the way it’s setup currently. I wouldn’t have gone through that dungeon if I knew I was going to get shit on by the boss at the end because I wasn’t high enough level.

    There are also other kinda dumb things that are clearly meant to make things take longer. Like why do I need to unlock spirit springs now? The rock to smash to enable it is 100 yards away but you’re having me look for it for what reason?

    The bosses are pretty fun though. Except the hippo. They made it too goddamn big.

  • not sure what they mean exactly but there’s a lot of the “paths circle back on each other” type thing going on. The levels have a wide variety of altitudes involved and there are caves and things to get to different areas.

    There are also a bunch of references to earlier games, like there’s a new londo type area at one point. You can tell in some of the character and boss designs they took inspiration (and even movesets) from bosses from earlier games. You can definitely see moves from Sekiro and DS3 in there, there are some DS2 influences as well that are more obvious than in the base game.

  • And Nvidia? Well, they were just a $300 billion dollar video game card maker 5 years ago

    That’s not entirely accurate. They may have had a $300 billion market cap but they were also a critical component of the Crypto supply chain. NVIDIA, more than basically everyone else except electricity companies, has been the primary beneficiary of two grifts in a row.

    Actually allow me to argue for a second that it’s really NVIDIA behind this bubble and not OpenAI. OpenAI might have been the flintstone that ignited the bubble but NVIDIA has been there investing in companies that turn around and give the money back to NVIDIA.

  • I dont really understand what the point of even having this position is. For people who care about decolonization it is obviously an important subject they will advocate for but if you are against it? What danger is there that it will even come to pass? It must be less likely to happen than solving global warming so why even bother arguing against it? You are getting mad at stuff that is so abstract and future facing you might as well be that cartoon with the guy making cardboard monsters.