I’m not sure that this is how it works in practice, but ideally: Unless you are registered in their stance / are browsing directly in their website, your client shouldn’t be making any direct requisitions to their instance, so there is nothing they can infer your IP from. (Everything you interact with is comes directly your instance - the only thing that interacts with other instances is the server) That said, it’s possible for some links to direct to the original stance, in which case your client will have to make requests directly to the original instance hosting the content… looking around in this page a bit, it looks like the Community images (banner, icon etc.) are linking directly to the original instance, so I guess that’s a little bit of a problem - but just that shouldn’t be enough information for them to connect the dots between the IP address fetching the image and the account you’re using to browse
Esse e geeks for geeks são dois sites que eu jamais recomendaria, eles tem muito material completamente errado e mesmo a parte “certa” não está entre as melhores.
Eu recomendo muito mais Real Python, CS50 ou ler um livro (A Byte of Python, Automate the Boring Stuff).
https://www.pythondiscord.com/resources/ também tem alguns outros recursos que podem ser interessantes, mas pode estar meio desatualizado