“I’m knittin’ like a fuckin electric nan”

  • 14 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: January 15th, 2022

  • I used to tell my friends to vote. I would never tell them who to vote for, and I wouldn’t harangue them. Basically, I would say that voting is useless at worst, and might move some needle at best, so why not just do it? I kind of still feel the same way, but I also am so disgusted with this bullshit right now, that I’m not telling anyone to vote. I actually apologized to a friend recently, for all the times I argued with him about voting.

  • How is it deflecting when you call me a “white savior” for having an outsider opinion about this genocide, if I hold your opinion to the same standard? Have you considered that the rank and file of Hamas live in Palestine? The ones that are fighting and dying? That they themselves are the children and orphans of Palestine?

    I’m am sure that there is a variety of opinions among the Palestinian people, just as there are among the Israelis and Americans. I am aware of the limitations of my own perspective, but all I can do is apply my knowledge and principles to the situation as I see it. You’re doing the same, and I don’t really see any point in continuing this conversation. Take that as you will.

  • I’m glad to hear you say that. Intend to see the Republican view be more generally carceral. I think your ideas are fine, and in fact there’s a lot of basically that happening around the state. Ever since the pandemic, California has been converting hotels (along with some new construction) to ‘transitional’ housing. Part of this program is working with counselors and DHHS to help people with some of their underlying needs. I think this is pretty good, but needs a lot more funding, especially for the supportive services.

    Unfortunately, homelessness is a huge and growing issue both inside and outside of California. There are a lot of systemic issues that contribute to the cycle of addiction and childhood trauma which I believe are at the heart of most of it. Add in poor job prospects and high cost of living (especially housing), and we have a ton of work to do to reverse this trend.

  • The CIA is often in charge of designating drone targets.

    Not everyone who is targeted is an “insurgent commander”

    Even “insurgent commanders” have families who might not have much choice about their proximity.

    US military prisons like Abu Ghraib and Gitmo were famously filled with victims of grudges and bounties. Basically the US pays informants for targets, and informants just point at whoever they want. Military “intelligence” has a lot of holes in it to rely on it as an authority on who lives or dies-- and that’s before we even get into “collateral”.

    Speaking of “collateral”, yes that is a weasel word, much like “terrorist”. Don’t allow the perpetrator to define the terms for you. If there was one US general in the twin towers, would that have made the other 3k victims “collateral damage”?