25 Another Reddit refugee

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • Well America itself is actually 6 time zones with the largest gap being 6 hours between the Eastern time zone and the Hawaii-Aleutian time zone so it could just be that OP

    1. Is dumb
    2. Is being intentionally vague for intrigue/outrage
    3. just lives in a country with one time zone and didn’t have to think about it. This could be true even if they live in a big ass county like China or India since they both only recognize one time zone each for their own reason.

  • So this happened in November of 2018 apparently. The guy in the video is the YouTuber Flexxinruee (Rudy Ornelas). He’s a barber mostly and I believe this happened in front of his business.

    He says in the original video on his channel that this event happened in November of 2018 and he won the case in August of 2019 after using the video as evidence. He posted this video to his channel August 6th of 2019.

    As far as what exactly he was charged with it wasn’t exactly released. CBS news asked and the police didn’t comment. He did have a “gun charge” according to a CBS article from 2019. It seems that any other charges were dropped before they got to court and the gun charge was the only one that remained.

    The charge specifically was for the illegal transportation of a firearm. In California you can transport a firearm only in your trunk or in another locked area/container IF the firearm is unloaded. His had the magazine in it. That’s all they got him on. He went to court to get the firearm back and I believe he had to take a firearms class.

    The police captain also claimed the video didn’t show the “conclusion” to the interaction where they claim he admitted he knows why the gun was drawn on him and he apologized. That being said they never released any dashcam or body cam footage to confirm that. It’s just a buncha talk as far as I’m concerned. Rudy (the YouTuber) never said anything to that effect so ¯_(ツ)_/¯

    About 4 months back he posted a video talking about the situation and answering the question of if he sued and explaining why he didn’t sue. He mostly just said he wasn’t sure the outcome would actually be positive and there’s a lot of religion thrown in there about how Jesus kept the cops from shooting him etc.

    Edit: clarifying the guy’s name, the origin of some of the information, and that Rudy never mentioned anything about apologizing to my knowledge

  • What my man Edric here says is facts bc doing that in the summer or the winter is balls.

    It’s ok ish spring and late fall but between our car delivery people and the cart people two of them got hit by a car within 6 months or so.

    I’d much rather keep my annoying ass spot in electronics than be constantly pinching my fingers on carts and finnicking with the stupid cart wrangler controller in the hot sun or freezing winter

  • Answer without oversharing: Could be better ¯\(ツ)

    Answer oversharing a shit ton and telling y’all stuff I haven’t told anyone else: Just moved to a new area to finish school and I’m struggling to find a job. I’m also concerned my s/o isn’t attracted to me but I’m trying to avoid seeming to insecure about it to her.

    I dunno there’s something scratching in my brain like all of this was a mistake or something. But it’s not really like there’s an alternative.

    I’m trying to be optimistic though.

    That being said I’m feeling so unwanted that I ended up redownloading tinder. I don’t intend to go on any dates or anything. I did download bumble bff so maybe I’ll hangout with someone from there.

    Idk what I’m even doing on tinder or in my life in general. I’m just hoping things will be less fuckin weird once school starts back up.

    I’m replaying the Witcher 3 tho that’s p neat Neonknight’s videos have revived my love for it.