Long live the Linux phone.
This is an alt account, you may see it around. I am not ban-dodging intentionally, I promise!
This is the main
Long live the Linux phone.
I may have misunderstood, but Google isn’t doing Android behind closed doors; it’s just development. The released versions will still be as open as they are now, as far as I’ve understood.
Man I’m not going to dive into it but this reads like a FUD piece and I know the article explicitly calls out people who dismiss evidence as FUD, but please read just the first point that ‘Tor is compromised’:
the agency has worked on several methods that, if successful, would allow the NSA to uncloak anonymous traffic
If succesful, implying that they haven’t been. I’d love to read the paper but I’m European and they block me from clicking it, citing GDPR issues :-)
promised to reveal how a $3,000 piece of kit could unmask the IP addresses of Tor hidden services as well as their users.
a much anticipated talk at the Black Hat hacking conference was abruptly canceled.
The university cancelled the speech and cited no reasons but I can think of several legal ones even if the device didn’t work. No proof.
the FBI is able to de-anonymize Tor users and discover their real IP address remains classified information. In a 2017 court case, the FBI refused to divulge how it was able to do this,
I can fly. No, I don’t have to prove it.
What is a ‘scene’ in this context?
What kind of car you like is one thing but does he understand that when he sits at a café next to a busy, congested road and blame the cyclists for the congestion that he’s actually just factually wrong? Because I don’t think he knows that. Jeremy Clarkson is fiercely anti-bicycle and until he says, in front of an audience, that he’s wrong about this and will stop spewing vitriol at bicyclists, I frankly don’t care about him.
I’ve found a few exposed /metrics
for kubernetes stuff because their IP poked my honeypot. I’d assume they’ve been hacked and turned into a botnet or something.
Have you considered just not bringing your phone? Honest question.
Maybe they should take their soldiers and get off our soil, then. Putting US bases on European soil isn’t a favor to Europeans, it’s a mutually assured defense. If they’re unhappy with the deal, they can leave.
This is nice to hear after finding out what an absolute boomer Jeremy is.
Zingers are lame and boring. Elaborate or go
the Dark Reader Extension
That would explain that!
Also I stand corrected; I’m reading that code now and it only actually runs when it generates video thumbnails which is maybe 10 times a year.
I doubt I have such a thing as a daily visitor (not even myself) but who knows ;)
Shadowserver visits your site a minimum of 10 times daily, so don’t worry! You have visitors.
How are you managing dark mode? When I go to your site it’s white.
don’t fancy myself typing complex command lines when I can avoid it,
lmao, my real code that runs for thousands of visitors daily:
// This shouldn't be so complicated but I don't fucking understand video encoding so it's here to catch an issue with the videos I generate upstream
$cmd = "$ffmpegPath -i \"$videoPath\" -vf \"scale=trunc(min(iw\,200*iw/ih)/2)*2:200,setsar=1/1\" -c:v libx264 -crf 30 -preset veryslow -pix_fmt yuv420p -movflags +faststart \"$thumbnailPath\"";
Just off the top of my head. Meshtastic is probably the most similar to Helium but I don’t know what Helium is and their landing page makes me not want to. BOINC supports projects not in the official lists, just google around.
You can boil the logic down and apply it however you want. The fact is that different people have different levels of tolerance for bullshit and VPN users are a large source of it. TOR is also inherently harmless but exit nodes end up on banlists everywhere because malicious users use them to the point that exit nodes are pre-emptively banned in a lot of places because some people just don’t wanna deal with it. The big email providers have a zero-tolerance policy for the same reason; if your domain misbehaves even once then you’re on the shit-list forever because it’s not worth playing whack-a-mole with malicious actors.
Because shared VPNs are also used by malicious actors and some admins just don’t care about dealing with that.
They’re already more complicated than I want them to be so I’m passing on that
I agree with this decision. Don’t make error pages more complicated than they are.
Linux is truly extensible and it is the part I both love and struggle to explain the most.
I can sit at my desktop, developing code that physically resides on my server and interact with it from my laptop. This does not require any strange janky setup, it’s just SSH. It’s extensible.
This has been happening for decades.