citrussy_capybara [ze/hir]

  • 14 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 26th, 2023


  • yes, Paul Reitter is working on those also:

    Q: You are also translating the second and third volumes of Capital, left in manuscript at the time of Marx’s death and edited for publication by Engels. Is it too early to ask how that part of the project is going?

    A: We are excited to be back at it and are enjoying the mix of continuity and change: Volume two has its own special translation and philological challenges.

    As Engels laboriously put, or pieced, together the text of volume two, struggling with a bad back and Marx’s nearly indecipherable handwriting, he tried to make the text seem like a “finished whole.” He inserted transitional sections, evened out and to some extent formalized the style, which varies quite a bit in the manuscripts, and worked to create an impression of conceptual integration when Marx’s thinking in fact evolved considerably over the course of the eight volume-two manuscripts. Since the German critical edition of Marx’s and Engels’s works, with its 30-volume section of Capital (completed in 2012), has made available reliable versions of all the volume two manuscripts, you can now track—and, again, make transparent—Engels’s editorial interventions, something that couldn’t be done for the only English translation of volume two currently in print, David Fernbach’s edition, which was published in 1978.

  • would not be surprising, christian encourages leftists to go beyond stale boring theory and get some interesting and exciting ideas from the far right

    ‘this admitted racist who wants to get rid of the civil rights act actually makes some good points’, ‘the woke student mob radicalised my dad and got him fired’

    I think that’s where a lot of the left is at these days, that it is cutting itself off for more interesting ideas. And it’s one of the ways that the right has gotten a kind of cultural upward hand on the left by, perhaps cynically, but entertaining ideas. And people are, all people, I think, are intellectually hungry. They might not seem intellectually hungry, I’m not saying that everybody wants to read esoteric theory, no. But people have ideas about stuff. People have ideas about reality. I mean, the number of people in this country who are interested in things is enormous, right? And if the left is just offering a set of kind of, “just so” stories and prefabricated pat answers, it becomes intellectually boring and people will turn away. So that’s another problem with all this stuff that in shutting down and policing thought and policing speech and policing thought and turning away from the unclean authors and ideas, the left is painting itself into a corner.

    ‘leftists these days need to get some far-right intellectual stimulation from the cynically entertaining ideas of south park’