Wefwef is my top choice right now and Connect is my second favorite.
Wefwef is my top choice right now and Connect is my second favorite.
This is one of my most wanted features, too. It is especially needed on the fediverse, because there are so many duplicate communities from different servers. It would be really nice to be able to unify those fragmented communities into one feed.
It seems that the developers of Lemmy are hard at work trying to improve the product. The huge increase in users and traffic has shown some of its weak points under load. I think they are focusing on scalability and performance issues right now, so it might take some time to get to new user-facing features.
About two weeks ago they posted this: https://join-lemmy.org/news/2023-06-17_-_Update_from_Lemmy_after_the_Reddit_blackout
…which sort of touches on their progress and on improvements.
I do miss being able to swap out a phone battery and this will certainly be a step in the right direction in terms ewaste and device longevity.
One thing that I wonder about is waterproofing or water resistance. Some phones are basically waterproof in shallow water. How achievable is this with a device with a trivial way to remove the battery?
Yeah, I do agree that it feels a little out of place on Android, but currently I have been using it because it still feels polished and I haven’t had many bugs with it. Lemmy clients in general are in their early days and many are quite rough around the edges. I’ve had a lot of bugs with most of them.
Connect for Lemmy has a Material You style to it and feels like at home on Android. It uses your current Material color scheme and feels a bit similar to Sync for Reddit.