• 21 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 2nd, 2023


  • Where did I bitch about music? I bitched about a thread that invites nothing but negativity. I then offered an answer based on the most generous possible interpretation of OP’s question wherein I gave an example of an album which I fully recognize is objectively good, but which I personally find to be overrated in contrast to the rest of my collection.

  • What do you mean by “your” most overrated album? Obviously for most people “overrated” is just going to be “thing I don’t like but others do”.

    Is this thread just an invitation to bitch about disliked music? If so it’s a shit idea for a thread.

    On the other hand, if you’re asking what is the most overrated album that we actually own, I would have to say Dark Side of the Moon. I bought it because I kinda like it and felt like I was sort of obligated to buy it when I started collecting vinyl. But I hardly ever listen to it because there are so many albums in my collection that I would prefer to put on most of the time. People hail it as the best album ever made but it just doesn’t have the sort of energy I’m trying to get from listening to music most of the time.

  • That is unfortunately still very common at many schools. Luckily, the profs are usually pretty forgiving, and will give you lots of space to write. They are mostly aware it’s a dumb task and may require an entire sheet of paper for like 10-15 lines of code. I wouldn’t sweat it too much. If you can hand print a message on a post-it note for someone, you probably have legible enough writing for those questions. They aren’t normally big essay questions.