同士達、凄いマルクス主義万歳! 同志们,伟大的马克思主义万岁! 同志們,偉大的馬克思主義萬歲!
大部分工作者还是执行八小时工作制的,从车流量、公共交通运载量来看就能看出。 十二小时工作制的企业通常是低端制造业与互联网行业。 低端制造业可以选择八小时工作制,当然工资会较低。 如果你拒绝加班,公司不应因此开除你,如果公司想要辞退你那么应当依工作年限给予相应补偿。 由此来看,强迫工人加班到九点完全是无稽之谈 你有任何证据表明习近平家里很有钱吗?习近平的父亲曾经也是中国高官,但习近平依然被派到偏远农村地区任职。 生产资料私有制却促进的经济发展,生活水平改善。在中国实行农业集体化的时期因为不合理的制度导致了农民的不信任,也打击了农业生产。在1956年中国的生猪存栏量下降了一半,因为农民不信任合作社制度。这样的情况一直延续到邓小平改革后几年。我始终相信生产资料公有制不是目的,而是改善人民生活的手段。 国旗上的一颗最大的星代表中国共产党,其余四颗星分别代表工人、农民、知识分子与小资产阶级,并且这是在毛泽东时代确立的
Well I truly met many friendly western people, many cute western kids. But I had never thought I would met a f*cking racist one day
I have to say during Cultural revolution you could attack anyone and then many red guards would follow you. He mustnt to be capitalist or rightist. Many schools were destroyed for it’s teachers, names or histories. During Cultural revolution, the laws didnt work. Imaging you argued with your neighbour yesterday and now he is leading hundreds of red guards standing in front of your home.That was happening every day
He supports Cultural Revolution. I can say it’s not a good article just by this point
Wow it’s true,I turned off VPN then it loads even faster!
The cheapest 90minute bus Ive taken is Amoy bus No.641, 2RMB, 48km. Quanzhou bus No.K207, 7RMB, 47km. Nan’an bus No.126, 10RMB,45km. I mean public transportation should be paid by the gov