Personally, I’d just limit it to feeding them data that a large undecided segment believes a few provably false outlandish things, so that they publicly endorse said things when they could be spending time doing something socially destructive.
Personally, I’d just limit it to feeding them data that a large undecided segment believes a few provably false outlandish things, so that they publicly endorse said things when they could be spending time doing something socially destructive.
I just assumed the hats had been faux fur since the 60s….
There’s actually multiple questions here.
The hiring process has an application “filter” layer, a candidate selection layer, and THEN the interview with the person/people who actually want to hire you. Sometimes there’s an extra technical interview after that.
These days, the filter layer is mostly automated. Asking the filter why it didn’t select you is like asking a Machine Learning model why it chose to do something a certain way — you aren’t going to get a useful response.
So the only way to figure it out is trial and error: vary your application in terms of structure and content until you find the combination that makes it last the current batch of filters.
Find a way to skip the filters altogether by finding someone on the inside of the company to flag up your CV to the people looking to fill the position.
Once past the filter, you get to HR, and if you get this far, asking questions about why you didn’t get selected to continue will actually be met with a useful response (unless it’s a company you don’t want to work for). HR will tell you the basic things they’re looking for in an application, and possibly how you compared in certain criteria to the stronger candidates.
Next you get to the manager. If you get this far, you can usually have this discussion at the end of your interview. They’re looking for fit for the role, and you can ask questions about fit as part of the interview process.
And finally you get to the technical interview. If you get this far and don’t get the job, the reason why is usually fairly obvious: either they had someone who was both a better fit AND understood the problem domain / demonstrated an ability to learn and reflect the team culture better, or you failed to prove technical ability in a key area.
Even the pets and dolphins and sofas are saying it as they storm the southern border to escape!
I thought the problem was immigrants stealing jobs, willing to work for less and working overtime without complaint?
So Donald, are you saying you’re giving the illegal immigrants a tax break so they don’t have to eat pets anymore?
Yes, but surely he wouldn’t kick ME in the nuts… just those people I don’t like, right? Why would I want someone to high five THEM?
Considering I was seriously interested in how the debate would go and had to turn it off only half way through, I think it’s highly likely that 70 million Americans waited for Fox to feed them the Cliff’s Notes version.
Something Chuck Norris could support….
Or… Chinese robot industry struggles to develop high quality products.
All depends on how you spin it.
Let Trump select the donuts?
Jesus sounds Mexican. Did anyone check his birth certificate?
Exactly where my mind went.
Doctors go to school for seven years racking up debt, and then usually have to shoulder the burden of liability and operational costs. It’s expensive to become a medical doctor, and expensive to be a medical doctor.
These costs are part of what keeps both doctors and patients safe. Doctors end up with both the power and the risk.
Nurses by comparison have only basic training before on the job training kicks in; it’s relatively easy to become a nurse, and if you mess up, the worst that’s going to happen is that you get fired and have to go work somewhere else.
But even as a nurse, if you’re quick to pick things up, you can move up the ranks and find a specialty that has more power and pays better than a standard RN. Without the seven years of debt.
And life’s not just about pay; quality of life is generally more important, and that sucks for most doctors, who have relatively short life expectancies and limited time to spend their money.
How early? He’s been doing this his whole life, including the word salad.
That’s why there’s a “no props” rule.
And the no mic rule means she can’t call him on them in real time.
Is there a rule stating she can’t have an earpiece and a team feeding her information though?
On Lemmy you’ve got a strong socialist faction. Unlikely to vote for Trump, but may vote for someone else or not vote at all.
It’s just been working for me so I hadn’t noticed.
Are there better clients available now?
The phone isn’t going to end up in China from people passing them hand to hand; they’re going to be collected somewhere and bundled for shipping in an EM-protected covering of some sort. The record of the route they took right up until they go silent will be available for every phone. Looking at an aggregate map of this data should give the police a pretty good idea of what’s going on.
I suspect the difficulty is that the police need to get a data release from each individual involved and then get Google/Apple and/or the owners to voluntarily share the historical location data with the police… which most people aren’t willing to do out of an abundance of caution.
I don’t know why I didn’t draw the Vizzini parallel myself before now; it’s not perfect, but does fit a surprisingly large portion of not just who Trump is, but also how he sees himself.
But he really wants to be seen as Prince Humperdink AND the six fingered man. And Vance is his Igor.
I’d partially disagree here; a lot of people don’t know how to effectively communicate, and speak in cultural innuendo and clichés because that’s the language they think in. They don’t really fully understand what they, or the people they surround themselves with mean.
Think of it like the kid in elementary school that learns a new word or phrase and sees the reaction it gets when others use it, so they (over) use it themselves to get the same reaction without understanding what it actually means.
That’s how a lot of these people live their entire lives.
That doesn’t excuse it, but it does explain it. These people have no intent to harm; they don’t understand the implications of what they’re saying enough for that.
And this is why education is so important.
Those who have been educated in critical thinking and effective communication and STILL say things like that? They’re the evil manipulative ones.
TL;DR: it’s possible to be ignorantly racist because that’s all you know.