• 9 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • aard@kyu.detoPolitical Memes@lemmy.worldQuick overview
    3 days ago

    Just read her wikipedia page - as I’m not from the US I’ve been mostly treating US politics as a bad comedy show for the last two decades or so, and even though she’s vice president she was too much of a side character to register.

    The one thing that did rech me over there was that she’s a bad candidate as VP as she’ll erect a police state when biden dies. After reading her bio I can’t find problems there, though. I disagree with some details - like seeking life imprisonment - but can give her a pass due to the environment she’s operating in which probably wouldn’t allow anything else (if you’re confused: all convicts should undergo rehabilitation attempts with goal of release. If you stay locked up it’ll be due to you still posing a danger to society, in which case you still get more privileges than a prisoner as at that stage it is considered a mental health issue, and treating you as prisoner for that would be a human rights violation).

    For sticking to not seeking death penalty she deserves respect, though, and generally she seemed to be focused on putting actual criminals to prison.

  • This doesn’t have anything to do with user control - modern windows versions need drivers to be WHQL signed to get that kind of access. Alternatively you’ll need to enable developer mode on your system, and install your own developer certificate into its keyring for running own code, which has its own drawbacks.

    Crowdstrike is implemented as a device driver - but as there is no device Microsoft could’ve argued that this is abusing the APIs, and refused the WHQL certification. Microsofts own security solution (Defender) also is implemented as a device driver, though, and that’s what the EU ruling is about: Microsoft needs to provide the same access they’re using in their own products to competitors. Which is a good thing - but if Microsoft didn’t have Defender, or they’d have done it without that type of access it’d have been fully legal for them to deny the certification for Crowdstrike.

    Both MacOS and Linux have the ability to run the type of thing that requires those privileges on Windows in an unprivileged process - and on newer Linux versions Crowdstrike is using that (older versions got broken by them the same way they now broke Windows). So Microsoft now trying to blame the EU can be seen as an attempt to keep people from questioning why Microsoft didn’t implement a low privilege API as well, which would’ve prevented this whole mess.

  • Ich beschreib mal wie ich das bei meinem letzten Umzug hier in Finnland in 2014 (also vor etwas ueber 10 Jahren) gemacht habe:

    Wir waren gerade auf dem Rueckweg vom Termin um Kaufvertrag zu unterschreiben, und als Hausbesitzer war jetzt klar dass wir umziehen. Ich geh zur Seite der Post, oeffne den Nachsendeantrag, authentifiziere mich ueber meine Bank (die ja meinen Ausweis geprueft hat, und daher bestaetigen kann dass ich das bin), fuelle aus wann und ab welchem Datum ich umziehe, mache ein Haekchen dass meine Frau auch mit umzieht, und schicke das ab. Damit habe ich meinen Nachsendeantrag, und die Post leitet das dann zum Einwohnermeldeamt fuer die Ummeldung weiter.

  • At the time of sending the mail I need the metadata - so offering a SMTP server implementation which keeps this in memory while forwarding is not hard. You’d lose a persistent spool in case of delivery errors - but we’ve been doing relays that keep the client connection open while trying to deliver the mail to relay errors directly to the client already 30 years ago, so that also isn’t an excuse.

    For IMAP - if you don’t do serverside searching or similar it’ll work with fully encrypted mails.

  • They will have access to metadata - otherwise they wouldn’t be able to work as email service. That’s sufficient to implement those protocols.

    The client then would have to bring their own crypto, and you’d probably want the SMTP server to reject mails if delivered unencrypted (though their FAQ says you can send unencrypted mails).

    The reason they claim they can’t is probably trying to keep full control over what users are doing, in which case I agree - fuck them, don’t use services like that.

  • aard@kyu.deOPto3DPrinting@lemmy.worldPrusa slicer 2.8 UI changes
    11 days ago

    Does Apple lack a feature to turn off or hide the file menu?

    I have no idea. They decided to put a notch with the webcam in the middle of the screen, so I’d not be able to use that space properly with anything else anyway.

    My point here wasn’t about mac, though (it was just handy for doing the screenshot at this moment , though it’s my least used platform for this: I had it upgraded, and as I have no intention of upgrading it on my Linux system after that experience I made the screenshot before the downgrade) - my point was the needless waste of space in the newer PrusaSlicer, which applies on all platforms.

  • It’s already in the name - XDG stands for X Desktop Group (nowadays freedesktop), which works on interoperability for desktop environments. In a pure shell environment (or even if you’re not running a full desktop) none of the XDG variables are defined, and especially in shell environments the default fallbacks specified by XDG are not necessarily what the operator would expect.