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Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • I mean, both are true, they just cover different stats. You can still a large number of layoffs while still having large job growth. They also cover stats available on different days. Indeed, the second article notes that one of the stats in the first article was wrong. It also indicates that predicted stats for December and November were both underestimated. December and January were both underestimated by half. Also, the layoffs came in fields that are different than the ones that saw growth.

    These articles are complimentary, not contradictory as you’d seem to indicate. Perhaps you’re just going off the titles and not actually reading the content?

  • It was never fine. There have been anti-abortionists demonstrating outside Planned Parenthood offices for decades. Planned Parenthood personnel have been harassed, assaulted, and murdered for decades. What changed was that the right, seeking a way to desperately maintain any relevance in a quickly liberalising political environment made deals to fight for the same people who we’d’ve labelled terrorists and criminals. At this same time a dumb ass named Bill Clinton removed the regulations that kept corporations from owning huge swathes of television stations. In addition, Murdoch started Fox News which was born with the only reason to be a propaganda arm of the conservatives. Oh, and then there was the rise of the radio talk show propagandists like Rush Limbaugh, may he suffer eternally in hell. All these worked together to push a more and more extremist conservatism on the masses. They made it seem okay to be hateful and spiteful and mean. They pushed the idea that intelligent people could not be trusted(unless they were conservative and they towed the conservative line). They pushed the idea that empathy was a weakness and that the only person you should care about was yourself.

    It didn’t suddenly change, it has always been like this. The problem is the masses on the left tend towards being self absorbed dumbasses blind to what was going on around them - especially the white ones. The white ones thought everything was just fine and dandy because it was for them and they had that one black friend so they totally weren’t a racist. And racism was dead because of that, too. The Democrat Party has, for decades, been a disjointed mess led by people who are only vaguely competent to lead a room of kindergartners. There is one saying I’ve known for decades - “The Democratic Party is the only one who can snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.” In addition, hubris on the part of Ruth Bader Ginsberg kept her from retiring when Obama had a majority of Democrats in the Senate. So instead she wound up giving her seat to Trump to fill.

    There are so many more things I could list, but won’t because I don’t want to spend all night going over what you’d get in a polisci course about the last 50 years of American politics. There is, however, one last thing I’ll touch on - that every time the Democrats have had a control of the Presidency and Congress, or even a veto proof majority, they never, ever took the time to legalize abortion. Consider that for a moment. This whole mess could have been avoided had the Democrats had the fortitude to do the right thing. They never did. They played just as much a game with women’s bodily autonomy as the GOP did. There’s no side that is innocent in this mess. I am not “both sides”-ing here. They’re both responsible for it in different ways - the Democrats because they valued their seats more than women’s autonomy and wrongly banked on RvW always being there and the Republicans who actively sought(and still seek in many states) to destroy women’s bodily autonomy not because they believe in it, but because it gets them votes.

  • Yeah, this article really feels so damn one sided, like the only thing that matters are the genes. Some of it is the genetics, but some of it is environmental. The same plant can produce different tasting beans if there are significant environmental changes year over year. Hell, if I take a plant from Colombia, transplant it to Ethiopia, it will produce different tasting beans from its identical fellow identical plants in Colombia. That it would not taste the same as the plants already present in Ethiopia is where the genetic differences come in.

    It honestly feels like it’s trying to make me excited for some really esoteric things. Don’t get me wrong, this research should absolutely continue, but it isn’t something the lay person is going to ooh and aah over. Even moreso for me because I do homesteading, I’ve done craploads of research on plants. I’ve grown different breeds/strains of the same plant to get different sized, shaped, colored, and flavored vegetables and fruit.

    I’m also less impressed because this sort of research is what usually precedes GMO shenanigans. Given the money in coffee growing, etc, it was a no brainer that this research is going to be used to do some Monsanto level bullshit. I have nothing against GMO, but what has happened so far with it has not been good.