UrsineApathy [undecided, any]

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Joined 3 months ago
Cake day: March 18th, 2024


  • I finally got a chance to give it a listen and I really enjoyed it overall. The jazzy song structure of the first few tracks (chorus-instrumental improv-chorus) was a little off-putting to me, but after about halfway through I was really everything they were doing. I don’t know why but every time I hear an upright bass organically mixed into a rock track it gives me a nice fuzzy feeling. I haven’t heard anything of theirs since Contra released and they’ve definitely come a looong way in terms of mixing and composition.

  • and of course the loans at the subsidized rate are not enough to cover costs at an in-state school, so you also have to take out “unsubsidized” loans from the federal government, which are like double the interest rate of the subsidized loans.

    Thank you for saying this because people always conveniently forget this part. I went to a “budget” state school and subsidized loans only covered maybe half of any given semesters tuition and nothing else. If you needed to make rent, eat food or pay for the rest of tuition you needed to find money elsewhere. I worked full-time through school and still barely was able to to survive and had to take additional loans.

  • Not really, no.

    I was the prime age range for the books as a kid. The first book was decent as YA books go in the sense that it crafted an easily digestible, yet whimsical world with interesting enough characters. It was clear though that JKR had no long term story plan beyond Voldemort Bad as she had to pump the books out to keep up with the movie production schedules. After the fourth book the story is basically nonsensical.

    If there were no movies made in which the world literally watched three cute white kids grow up from preteens to full fledged adults it would have died after the first book if it had to survive only on its own merit. Even with the movies, only the first three are any good.

  • I could only get the abstract for the article, but the linked brief is likely more than enough. You’re right that intense pressure could have been out on the agencies to expedite the process, specifically, the Attorney General, FDA, and DEA heads are all appointed positions and can be removed from office with relative ease, but that move would come at a heavy cost.

    The subtext though is that it’s not a priority for him besides being a campaign bullet point, which you’ve already touched on plenty and I agree with. Rescheduling doesn’t redeem anything in my eyes, but I’m not going to look down on positive progress when it happens. So make sure to 420blazeit and celebrate.