I exist or something probably

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 8th, 2023


  • see certain optical illusions in a way that other vision models cannot.

    eh… but not in a way that is really like what humans see. which is the articles claim, but it makes a clasically cs approach to nuerology: zero effort to prove the quite substantial claim.

    Word soup

    that is most certainly not word soup. it’s also an accurate statement, though uncharitable to the authors claims.

    Also, the detail in description of their “quantum” inspiration (an effect not unique to quantum mechanics in fact, at that level of description) reads like they skimmed wikipedia’s intro to xyz topic, whether or not the author understands the topics more deeply.

  • "you’re still stuck on eroei

    you need to describes the initial steps of eroei"

    and dont geteme wrong, there are other things to consider than eroei, but solar is generally worth it in those contexts as well. things like mining issues, ecosystem damage, carbon costs, etc. of course those were not what were being looked at in the article, just someone’s first attempt at eroei from first principles without understanding what they were critiquing.

  • hydrogen for ice and broadly for a power plant is unlikely to be particularly feasible for some annoying engineering problems and because we just need hydrogen for other stuff (farming mostly).

    the problem in their analysis is itentirely lacks context. they never use any numbers to illustrate that this is unsustainable, just as a spooky ambiguity when convenient to the very very silly point. here is an example of the questions they should have asked themselves:

    “aluminum uses several kWh per kg!”, ok, how many kg of al per panel? how many kwh will a panel produce per kg of al in its lifetime? is that amount not only more, but sustainably more? (the answers generally are: a bit, a lot, yes). this is what those “critiqued” analyses are doing, and much more.