Tomorrow_Farewell [any, they/them]

  • 9 Posts
Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: January 30th, 2024


  • Good article, but does not seem fitting

    ‘Good article that addresses my point. I will declare it as not fitting’.

    It′s about bunch of uneducated assholes making threats due to the fact that country from which they originated from is currently the aggressor

    If that was the reason for their behaviour, they would have been orders of magnitude as hostile to anybody from France, Switzerland, Ukraine, Germany, Pissrael, the US, and every other NATO country.
    Again, which country has invaded anybody is not a good predictor for this behaviour.

    Same happened to Iraqis in USA for example

    Completely correct. And you may have noticed that it was not because Iraq invaded anybody. It was because of a targeted propaganda campaign by your empire. Just like it is in the case with Russia.

  • Obviously closer issues will take priority

    They are literally directly involved in all of the other issues mentioned. There is nothing closer than that.
    They have also been doing so for centuries at this point, since long before CERN was founded. This is very obviously not an issue of priorities when CERN had more time to address this than for how long modern Russia has existed. Also, I’m going to note that you are outright admitting that it’s not because Russia invaded anybody, but because NATO said so.
    Also, I’m going to note that you are just arguing for Russia (and the rest of the world) to roll over for your empire and for you to be able to attack Russia (and the rest of the world) with impunity.

    That should not be read as lack of empathy for others

    You are literally arguing that it’s okay to commit genocides and invasions so long as your empire’s leadership isn’t bothered.

    Israel government for example currently should be treated the same way Russia is

    Notably, it isn’t treated so, which throws your whole thesis out the window.

    Also, literally every NATO state is guilty of that genocide on account of supporting Pissrael.
    Furthermore, they have done plenty of their own atrocities without Pissrael, as well.

    Again, nationality is a perfect predictor for who is banned from CERN, and which state has invaded anybody has no correlation or causation with regards to the bans.
    You have no case.

  • It’s kind of logical to currently try to cut ties with a country that is causing destabilisation of whole Europe

    Ah, so it’s only bad when it’s the designated in-group of white Europeans who are suffering from getting invaded, got it.
    Apparently, you and CERN both find it perfectly okay to kill millions of people in Iraq alone and perpetrate a settler-colonial genocide in Palestine.

    You are so racist that you can’t even register your racism.



    if all that should be done to stop this is for Russia to just move out

    The same applies to every single current CERN member. And yet, they are not banned.

    Again, so long as nationality is a better predictor of who gets banned from CERN than which state has invaded anybody, you can’t claim that an invasion is a reason for the purge.

  • Have any data to back up western Europe has unproportiomal prejudice against Russians when compared to other nationalities?

    An example would be the fact that there is a perfect correlation between who is banned from working at CERN and their nationality, and 0 correlation between who is banned from working at CERN and whether or not they are a citizen of a state that has invaded anybody.

    Also, the rabid anti-Russian propaganda campaign that you’ve been getting blasted for at least years now.

    We currently have issues with Russian government and those that support it for obvious reasons

    What are those ‘reasons’?

  • My comment was about CERN cutting ties with Russia, but not Russian nationailty

    And your comment was very obviously wrong.

    This idea that western Europe hates Russians is a propoganda

    You are saying this to the accompaniment of a massive NATO anti-Russian propaganda campaign coupled and stuff like banning Russian scientists from CERN, blockading Russia, having Russians who live in NATO countries go through special exams to not be kicked out, preventing peace negotiations that would have meant fewer deaths among both Russians and Ukrainians, etc.

    Looks like they do at least for this one:

    If one doesn’t care about invasions except for one particular case, it’s not the invasion that they have an issue with.
    It’s very obvious that CERN isn’t doing this because of taking a stand against invasions - CERN is completely fine with an ongoing highly-televised genocide, with killing millions of people in Iraq, Korea, Vietnam individually, killing more people in Afghanistan, Libya, etc. If the decision was made because of an invasion, they would have banned scientists from France, the US, Germany, Ukraine, Poland, all of the rest of NATO.

    If you still want to pretend that it’s because of an invasion, then tell me what scientists from NATO countries are still doing there.
    If CERN cared about invasions, it would have no members right now, by the way.

    EDIT: So yeah, you are yet to explain why nationality is a much better predictor for who gets to be banned from CERN than what state has invaded anybody.

  • Termination is due to Russian government not scientists being of Russian nationality

    Is CERN a subject of the Russian state? No? Then how can its decisions be blamed on the Russian government?
    (And don’t give me ‘but Russia invaded Ukraine!!1’ CERN doesn’t care about invasions and warfare in the slightest. They are yet to expel any scientists on the basis of their states invading Iraq, Afghanistan, Palestine, Libya, Vietnam, Korea, etc., or for holding literal old-style colonies.)