I have a random fun fact about beelzebub…
There’s some dispute, but Baal zebub seems to have been a derogatory term used by ancient israelites against the philistine deity, Ba’al (lord), calling him baal zebub, or the lord of flies.
Occult circles have demonized the figure over time, but yea. Ancient racists who thought of the philistines as pests, and blatantly insulted their religion by renaming their lord to ‘lord of the flies’.
In my search for good meditation tools I’ve come across alot of bunk, and a handful of really useful ones. ‘Noting’ is absolutely fundamental, but I just want to drop 2 other simple thoughts that my practice center around. Also, i have ADHD, so I can tell from experience the days I meditate are very different from the days I don’t.
Yoga. If you can’t ‘get out of your head’, it’s because you’re ‘stuck in your body’. Yoga as USians call it is just the exercise portion of meditation training… yoga as a tradition literally means union. Some people legit CANNNOT get out of their heads, until they get some kind of somatic relaxing goin on.
This one is deceptively simple, but i swear by it. Any meditation follows 2 rules (the 2nd of which is pm ‘noting’ like op is about)
I think a lot of people try their hand at meditating without being told that first rule, including myself for a long time. I used to just sit there while my mind wandered, which simply isn’t meditating correctly. The proper state is cultivated by ‘noting’ (a la OP) all the thoughts that interfere with your ‘rule #1’ repetitive task. Eventually after enough practice, the mind becomes fully focused on the chosen #1, and you find yourself in a pecuilar state of identifying yourself in new and sometimes powerful ways (choose your own metaphysics)… and if your ego doesn’t start reshaping automatically you’re either already perfect, a narcissist, or meditating wrong, imho.