SoylentSnake [he/him, they/them]

  • 1 Post
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: July 26th, 2020


  • is attachment style legit? i have an inherent distrust of most pop psych trends but…

    personal relationship BS

    at the same time anxious attachment really describes my ex to a T, it’s kinda uncanny. also very validating to read something that seems to so clearly fit their patterns of behavior that i eventually decided i couldn’t deal with anymore? they were so devastated by the break up and so badly wished i hadn’t done it that i still haven’t been able to shake the guilt around me doing something “wrong,” but seeing others who couldn’t handle similar dysfunctional relationship patterns makes me feel kinda “seen” to put it as cornily as possible.

    anyway would def be down to read more on this subject in a more legitimate/rigorous format than internet posts and tiktok and shit…

  • having had some casual sex experiences recently that were like…nothing, i kinda see more how a monogamish open relationship might work OK for me. but that kinda cuts both ways: casual sex is generally unimportant to me, so it’s also not a big deal for me and a potential partner to simply not have it if that avoids unnecessary complication or hurt. also feel like i’d be open to swinging with a partner which i see as somehow different? but it’s also far from something i need, just something i’d be open to trying if my partner also wanted it.

    idk, having one promising/potentially serious prospect has really killed my desire to swipe much or try to maintain a “roster,” even though it’s brand new and far from exclusive or official in any capacity. i can’t tell if that’s my monogamous tendencies talking, or my hatred of dating apps. i swipe when im taking a shit still and will try to strike up convos with my matches here and there, but it’s more because i feel like i “should” to like…guard my heart maybe since my current thing isn’t really “real” yet? i also know she deleted her apps and said “realistically i’m not gonna keep up with them, if i go on dates it’ll be people i meet irl” which maybe means we’re both Passively Non-Exclusive but Focused on Each Other? idk she seems to have a network of queer woman friends, so probably has more irl dating opportunities than i do as a hetmasc.

    i’m surely overthinking all of this and wish i were better at going with the flow on things but oh well that is simply the SoylentSnake way, learn to love it or decide u don’t fw me! cat-vibing