RyanGosling [none/use name]

  • 179 Posts
Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: September 3rd, 2023


    1. Police state
    2. They’re scared of businessmen exposing the system with another “your grandparents are happy to sacrifice themselves for the economy” moment, so they’re preemptively getting rid of anything that makes people think their health is in danger, thus no demand for protections and restrictions
    3. Republicans will latch onto anything and turn it into an attack, and because democrats are bitches who don’t want to fight, they’d rather fold than to prove that their policies work. Same people who demanded people pay more for gas to beat putler btw

  • I finished 13 seasons of it recently and my overall feelings about it are “meh”. I guess my ideas of good “adult animation” are wildly different than what everyone else likes. There is homophobia, a lot of -phobias and -isms actually, but usually from the more asshole characters and doesn’t really bother me.

    The callouts of the CIA are just surface level stuff that you see from someone who reads a little bit of history, but still not convinced that the country they live in is shit. Like yes, the CIA did indeed overthrow a democratically elected government - do you have anything else to add? No? Alright.

    I didn’t really care about the politics of it. I just thought the show repetitive and tiresome to watch after a few episodes