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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: September 15th, 2023


  • Don’t use the tools then. On my mage I specifically don’t use Comet or Mimic Tear because I think they are too strong. From software didn’t remove any tools from the game that let’s you make it challenging.

    All the other games had OP shit too. DS1 had BKH and Chaos zweihander. So easy to get super strong wepons. DS2 had some crazy dark magic BS. DS3 also had crazy dark magic BS with greater soul dredge. I killed nameless king with like 5 casts in NG+.

    They didn’t sacrifice anything in Elden Ring, they made a great series more available to everyone.

  • Not to start a war about hardest boss and haven’t beaten DLC yet but Elden Ring has what alot of people would say is the hardest boss in the franchise. Like Elden Ring did open things up to more people with the open world making it easier to go around or bypass walls, but it isn’t easier.

    Like there isn’t a single boss in DS1 or 2 that comes anywhere close to fighting Melania. IMO Bloodborne and DS3 have contenders but if you are 100%ing the game Elden Ring is just as hard as any other souls game. Although the horse and teleporting does make some of the zones easier to explore, there are still difficult dungeons.

    I think alot of people remember DS1 being much harder because we were also learning the system, how it plays, how to win.

  • If you would like tips I beat him with parries. Basically all his attacks other than his special wind slash and follow up can be parried. I Basically never used parry before and found he was a good enemy to practice until I was consistent.

    If he wips out the crossbow stay at range and run to a side when he fires. Don’t need to roll and don’t want to close the distance until he is done.

    I have seen other people use big wepons to pancake or stunlock him too.

  • What field would be the cut off? Is religion going to influence how a metallurgist analyzes microstructure? How about how a chemist developing new polymers? Who gets to decide? If a scientist allows their religion, or any external influence, to influence their work they are a bad scientist. Which is why we have peer review and reproducible results. There is no need to label anyone. If their work is shit there is mechanisms to correct it, which we are seeing in the article.

    People’s relationship with religion is not up to you, just how the opinions of the religious shouldn’t get to dictate the lives LGBT+. They might be in it for community and don’t belive the “fantasy”. If an individual is spouting hate that is one thing, but judging individuals by their religion is the same persecution the religious zelots dish out.

    Edit: some wording

  • I have to say I think your comment is very well written. You are much better with words than I. However, I fail to see where I am lumping people together.

    Like I understand there is some discontinuity between your orgional comment and my approximation of how it comes across. I get what you are saying about swapping “young man” for “toxic man” and see how it seems I conflated the two. But the answer to their question is still “dont act like this”. I am clearly not insinuating that all young people are automatically misogynistic just because the word was omitted. People acting misogynistic are (intended or not) perpetuating misogyny and if they fail to respond to correction, even if not directed at them, is not the failure of the left.

    I am not sure what you meant by “makes your first sentence completely wrong”. If you are referring to my use of “child” it was a euphemism comparing how social backlash for poor behavior is akin to disciplining a child.

    It’s clear that you want the best for young people and to keep them out if the right wing ideology. But blaming it on “the left” and not the source of the probelm is just ridiculous.

    Edit: Deleted my last sentence about positive role models because it was incorrect. And added stuff below.

    After thinking about your comments overnight I understand what you are saying and agree. The left needs to do more to educate and guide young people.

  • The act of people calling out toxicity is the guidance. It is corrective action. It’s disciplining a child.

    Your orgional comment reads

    Toxic man: doing something toxic

    The left: Don’t do that is toxic.

    Toxic man: what should I do instead?

    The left: ??? WTF ???

    Toxic man: oh guess I am just gunna keep doing what I am doing if you aren’t going to tell me what to do.

    The answer is literally stop doing that thing. Obviously people need role models, young people are going to make mistakes, and when they make mistakes they need to be corrected. It is on the person to change their behavior. It isn’t a failure of “the left” from preventing this behavior, it’s a failure of those acting poorly to correct their behavior after being called out for it.

    I just don’t understand how someone can write a comment implying it’s “the lefts” fault for not elevating people out of the absolute shit hole wasteland of ethics and behavior the GOP and right wing personalities have created. Like damn maybe you right, people like Andrew Tate are really a failing by left wing ideology to prevent them from spouting toxic nonsense.

    Edit: Changed him back to them in last paragraph