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Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: April 27th, 2024


  • Oh lord I should just drop this but here we go:

    1. I think you unintentionally abused your daughter by creating child porn of her.

    2. Without the intent of pedophilia you could just be ignorant, but since you are defending it actively, this makes you stupid.

    You are willfully ignorant, which is what I mean when I call people stupid or an idiot.

    If you really want to insist that number 1 there equals an incestuous relationship then sure I’ll bite the bullet on that one. I just don’t think its relevant because neither of you knew it at the time nor intended the situation to be incestuous. It was accidentally incestuous maybe, but that’s entirely your fault because you are the adult.

    Essentially, you were ignorant then and now your an idiot, but it was wrong the whole time.

    Does that make things clear?

  • Plenty of people are making that bet. Work from home is important to a lot of people and its not something you can take away without employees seeing it as a pay cut.

    So if my pay is being cut, and you are taking an extra 2 hours of my day in commute again, then I guess that becomes my reward for hard work?

    To be fair the dynamics do change from business to business. My current one is a good example of making poor decisions with workforce and not expecting the blowback.

  • This is why I accused you of bad faith. Never said any of that. Would be nice if you’d stop building straw men to attack.

    Is there a reason I should hide my opinions of her father from her? What abuse am I supposed to be levying here.

    You probably shouldn’t bring her into a conversation with adults if you don’t want her hearing others opinions of you.

    You know you and your daughter could both go your whole lives without that picture ever being a problem, and I’d still be against its existence right?

    So, what words are you going to put in my mouth next? Seems to be getting harder and harder for you to twist your opinion into fact.

    Here I’ll put it simply for you: I think the pictures you currently have are immoral to have taken, and immoral to keep now. I think your daughter is the victim of this. I dont know if she will ever be harmed by it, but the fact that she could is enough. I dont think I’m required to report you for having admitted having these pictures. I dont think anyone’s required to do anything based on simple comments on an anonymous forum. If you were in my community, and you asked how I felt about this, I would tell you all this to your face and hope that changed your mind, but past that I wouldn’t do anything probably more out of distrust of our legal system than anything though. If you think I’m awful for that, I’m okay with that. Maybe we are both awful people. Did I miss anything?

    Edit: oh I also think you can have CP and not be a pedophile. Like I said, that just makes you stupid.

  • I promise I won’t tell anyone about your child porn collection. Its okay you don’t have to worry.

    You really should put more than just a cursory thought into your replies you know. Gotchas only work if you can’t pause to think about how stupid of a point you are making right now.

    I like how you think saying I’m required to do something actually makes me required to do something. I am not the child porn police. I am not responsible for reporting every murmur of child porn, or abuse.

    I sincerely believe that the naked picture of your child on your computer/phone/physical image is CP because thats one of its possible uses, and you have no idea it is not being used as porn right now. I also sincerely believe I have no obligation to report absolutely anything about this. Its a fucking discussion over the internet with a stranger, you really think theres even an authority for me to report you to?

    I also sincerely believe you are just an idiot, rather than a pedophile, and you just have a very inflated ego and sense of self righteousness. I’m sure you’ve never been wrong, but if you were it was for a good reason, right?

  • Were you even in the room with your newborns? Both of mine were moved to a table, cleaned up, and swaddled. I would have had to literally interrupt them to take a genital picture of them.

    But I guess where you live, they pause first and ask if you want a full naked body shot? Cool tradition, I know you love those.

    I’m sure noone has been in trouble for ONLY having their naked child’s pictures on their phone, but I’m sure those pictures have ended up in CP collections. I’m sure you have perfect opsec though so its fine.

    Legality as side, since its not the law preventing me from abusing children anyways, I’m arguing that its morally wrong. Plenty of immoral actions are legal from my perspective.

    Why does your perspective need baby genitals to be featured again?

  • I experienced trauma from my childhood. It wasn’t exclusively the pictures but it was a part of it. And my mom says the same bullshit you are saying now.

    But I’m sure you’ll just be so in tune with your kid, and have perfect adherence to unassailable morals, so they will make it through this abuse just fine. I don’t understand why you are so proud of that fact, but here we are.

    And I’m sure you’ll say I made this all up for the sake of argument, since that’s exactly what you told the first person.