RedDawn [he/him]

  • 19 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: July 30th, 2020


  • I don’t like the idea of having to sell my bodily fluids because otherwise I couldn’t afford to eat, it made my just rage a little extra hard at how fucked up the whole system is. I guess I can’t say I have many complaints about the actual extraction process, they made it about as painless as you could hope for. You sit there for like an hour scrolling hexbear or whatever while the machine takes your blood out, spins it around to separate out the plasma and puts the rest of it back into you.

  • Doesn’t look like he actually posted this, rather, it seems Bad Empanada made it up and posted it as if it were true.

    I kind of really dislike when this happens, because I’ll believe it and show it to somebody and they’ll check, see that it’s fake and I lose credibility. Mileis actual posts and interviews are bad enough, if we’re gonna make things up it should be clearer that it’s satire (I guess I should have known with how ridiculous this is but then again Milei is totally ridiculous so it’s not clear that it’s satire).