[BIO UNDER CONSTRUCTION] Teenager male, not english native.
Nota: qualquer semelhança com figuras ou eventos reais é mera coincidência.
Do you want me to remove it? There wouldn’t be a problem with it
I see a friend playing this game. They explain me that you have to do horrors in order to grow. I’m still confused and a bit scared…
What is a TTP?
Agora me lembrei de um garoto chamado “Carimbo”. As irmãs e ele até apareceram na TV.
Draw Monica from Monica and Friends
Blaze has said that using this website is pretty hit or miss for new users
What the hell have you been seeing? Mine’s totally not that
Forgot to post yesterday, double post again
Ao menos a lei permite mudar…
By personal taste, I would prefer that every page has its own custom look instead of making it the same. Gives more personality. They could at least create some sort of reduced CSS and make it optional to load. If I wanted to see a simple page, I would rather read a book.
⚠️ This is just my personal opinion, you are free to respectfully disagree with it. ⚠️
I still believe that sacrifing images completely is a terrible idea.
I would like a shout out from transmascs
Me pergunto qual era o fórun
Yo better not use that emoticon right next to that word