[BIO UNDER CONSTRUCTION] Teenager male, not english native.
Nota: qualquer semelhança com figuras ou eventos reais é mera coincidência.
How do you pronounce the CH and SCH? I’m asking because English is so shit I don’t trust any sort of written “ptonounciation”
Wait, they really do to you?
We should have a YouTube out of context community!
I love Bio, she’s so cute, especially when she talks about the horrors of the other fields
Few melatonin but OK 👌
Please keep commenting this, I would love to do it 🙏
I hope they make it an app too
Good for you, the ones I’ve used so far have always one big clunky aspect
What’s RES and how does user tagging works?
This sounds absolutely cool!
If someone does it please also mention me on the reply!
How is this yuri? Just curious
HTML characters ha ha
I feel like I have a meme for this but it isn’t worth a scroll through my gallery.
Why does ome of them has cat ears??
Yeah, I need to find something to post there. I’m busy most of the day, though.