Art loving freedom adoring supervisor. Hit me up for a community on the blazingly fast server!

  • 13 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 17th, 2023

  • Thank you !!

    One step closer :-D if I have the python file all ready to go in the directory, it works, but I can’t seem to use my binaries (or the python script) if I compile them in into the image only.

    I have my executables in a “binaries_to_use” folder, is there any way to add them to this local work folder? I tried the thing that worked before:

    COPY binaries_to_use/setup /

    but then

    CMD [“./setup”]

    doesn’t work, I guess it’s no longer a “virtual folder for the image” any more?

    Thanks again, I’m getting less dumb about this :-p

  • Oh man, I checked out Peertube and it’s amazing! Obviously overkill for my needs, but it seems like a really good platform (and it’s from France, yay!).

    Only worry I have, will my instance “mirror” other I stances? I’m confident sharing videos because I know they won’t be looked at very much, but with a sort of decentralized cache system it could be costly (in bandwidth).

  • Hello RoundSparrow, and again thank you for your help when I was in trouble setting up my little instance!

    It runs well now :-)

    Just as a backdrop I’m curious about how Lemmy works (I’m building a sharing protocol & implementation, decentralised, takedown safe, rugged, … It feels like how Lemmy is built on top of its protocol) and I love Lemmy and how it “federates” 💗 so I want to know more about it all.

    When you say packages get forwarded to whatever instance wanted (if I understand correctly) you don’t “unpack” (e.g check if it’s a valid request) which seems logic, the end instances does do the security check right? I mean if the end instance doesn’t check, you checking won’t help them out.

    But then again, if I understand you correctly, the trust is split in two; the poster from A posting on B, then B sending all its posts to C, D, E, …

    Which would mean it’s enough to trust B to trust A. If you trust B enough :-)

    Guess I’m off to learn Rust and try to compile all this :-)

    Thanks again, and sorry for the ramblings. It’s late here and I have not very much time.