EnsignRedshirt [he/him]

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Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: July 26th, 2020


  • Yeah, the part about specifically going to poor towns is suspect, but, like, is there anything more true to the idea of touching grass than to leave your house and talk to people in real life with the intention of meeting a serious romantic partner? Granted, I don’t endorse hitting on service workers while they’re on the job, but politely asking the IHOP waitress if she wants to grab a coffee later isn’t exactly sex tourism.

    Normal people meet like this all the time and have normal relationships. This is 80% of the way to being extremely healthy and constructive advice, even if the other 20% came through the boomer filter.

  • I can’t imagine how the surveillance in China could possibly be worse than in the west. We have CCTV cameras everywhere, the government has a backdoor into every major software platform, smart devices are passively listening to everything we say and do, feds are constantly reading social media and infiltrating message boards, etc. It’s probably the same in China, but the idea that our dystopian panopticon is meaningfully less intrusive than China’s dystopian panopticon is cope.

    Western media loves writing stories about things that happen in China that are not unique to China, but that are bad and scary because they happen in China.

  • There was an interview with the lead designer of the 2013 iteration of SimCity in which he said that they tried to model cities as closely as they could, but one of the big things they had to abandon was parking lots because of how much space they take up. Like, it would have made the game unplayable, so they decided to model parking by putting it “underground” i.e. all the cars basically exist in a parallel dimension when they aren’t on the road. The same thing would apply to any remotely realistic city builder. You can either model parking properly and have gigantic asphalt wastelands occasionally interrupted by a shopping mall, or you can use magic to deal with cars.

    One thing that I found kind of interesting is that you literally can’t make a pedestrian-only city in the base version of Cities: Skylines. Things like garbage pickup and emergency services require having roads and vehicles. You have to get a DLC to even create pedestrian areas, let alone try and create a car-free city. That’s how deep the car ideology goes.

  • What’s really unforgivable is the total lack of any long-term strategy, which is the only thing that any third-party in American politics should be concerned about, let alone an ostensibly revolutionary party. They aren’t going to secure any actual political power through elections in the near-term, so the entire exercise should be about how to raise class consciousness and convince people that the very obviously dysfunctional system is in fact dysfunctional.

    To endorse that system in any way just muddies the waters. It’s not the job of the CPUSA or any other socialist party to help the Democrats get elected, and doing so is not going to help advance socialism in any meaningful way. I could understand if there were actual politics happening, that they were leveraging their support to get policy concessions from the Democrats, but that isn’t happening and will likely never happen, so this is nothing but an own-goal.

    Like you say, either he’s incompetent, or he has an incredible amount of contempt for people who he should want in his coalition.