ᴇᴍᴘᴇʀᴏʀ 帝

A geologist and archaeologist by training, a nerd by inclination - books, films, fossils, comics, rocks, games, folklore, and, generally, the rum and uncanny… Let’s have it!


  • Yrtree.me - it’s still early days for me in the Fediverse, so bear with me
  • 1.53K Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • That’s it, their main problem is their messaging and the story they are trying to tell is dreadful.

    It should have been about spreading the load, everyone doing their bit according to their means - so tax winter fuel payments so you get most of it back from wealthy pensioners but also take a big chunk off millionaires and companies not laying their bit. Then invest that in growth, a Green New Deal helping insulated poorer housing stock which would help boost the green energy industry bringing prices down for everyone while generating more skilled jobs.

    At the moment they seem to think that, if they cause the pain now, people will forget about by the time of the election if we are out of the current economic dire straits. Which is foolish as the Tory press will just store this kind of thing up to use as sticks to beat them with later and people just don’t forgive or forget easily (especially if there is a cold snap and the papers fill with stories of pensioners dying because they can’t afford to turn the heating on).